Meeting them

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Sofia walked down some stairs. The warm sun burning her light skin, but she loved it. The girl just came from her estate agent, who handed her the key to her new home. She couldn't wait to see it again, so she went there opening the door to her new home.

Before she moved to the Harbor city Sofia lived in Genova, Italy. She loved it there but felt like she outgrew it somehow. Monaco wasn't her goal, but it was a little like Genova, so she looked at apartments and found one she just loved. Everything was perfect. After visiting her new home, the girl went on her first stroll through the small streets.

Even after she lived in Italy for almost 5 years her skin still didn't go well with sun, even though Sofia loved the warmth. The heat was so much better than freezing. Her firsts stop was at the harbor overlooking the calm sea, listening to the seagulls and the cars behind her. The girl didn't really like cars, but she wasn't clueless either, it just didn't pull her interest often.

Silent  listenly Sofia listened to some people around her talking in French. That was something new and something she still had to learn, but didn't mind it that much. She became self-employed while studying building a solid client pool on the road. Now she made enough money to select which families she would like to take as clients, and she loved it. Her little parenting-coaching was always a big dream and her pride till this day.

Aimless her steps aimed towards some of the skyscrapers along the seaside as she spotted a person she recognized. She never really was a fan of F1 but the girl still could clearly tell that the man walking out of one of the towers was Charles Leclerc with his Girlfriend Alexandra. Sofia thought about walking over there she had a question she wanted to ask. Slowly Sofia approached the couple. With a slight smile she greeted them "I am sorry to interrupt, but aren't you Charles Leclerc?" The man looked up nodding slowly. Sofia smiled; the man still looked a little puzzled. She grinned at him "I have a quick question about your brother Arthur." Now he seemed confused "Arthur?" She nodded "Weill I guess about something he has." Charles looked dumbfounded. His dark eyes stared at her until his Girlfriend giggled "Charles? Your Brother Arthur? You remember him?" The Racing driver snapped out of his thoughts "Yes sorry, I guess I am not used to people asking about him. How can I help?" Sofia nodded "Well," she breathed in "Do you, by any chance, know where Arthur buys his sunglasses." Charles made a surprised sound, before repeating "His glasses?" The girl nodded "I can show you a picture if you like." Alexandra next to them giggled again "I think he is irritated that it isn't about him." Sofia grinned before giving in "Don't get me wrong you have great taste, I mean look at you girlfriend." She turned to her "You look gorgeous," The girl smiled at her "Well thank you." Charles nodded slowly "You're not wrong with that, let me see the picture." Sofia pulled out her phone searching for the right picture. As she showed him the other people seemed to notice the driver and started pushing in, trying to get an autograph or picture. The man only glanced at the snap of his own brother before singing "Don you mind waiting for like 10 Minutes. I find your question really funny, and I think I can help with that but I should sign some of the fans things." Sofia smiled warmly "Don't worry I can wait, no rush."

The girls stepped back next to Alexandra who waited a bit at the edge. The girls smiled at her "I didn't thought you would ask him that." Sofia laughed "well I couldn't find my answer online so I just hoped for the best and asked." The dark-haired girl nodded "Why not, can I see the picture. I am really noisy you know." The other one grinned and turned her phone around showing of the screen. Alexandra nodded slowly "It's a good picture." Both giggled lightly. Sofia nodded "Yeah that too." She looked back to Charles interacting with fans. A little absent she said "It must be hard around him, sometimes. Never getting him for yourself when you are out." The other girl signed "Yeah well, I am kind of used to it. But there always are bad days." Sofia smiled "How do you cope with that?" The answer was haltingly "I used to go on walks with friends, time away also really helps, just us. And when we are in the apartment or with friends its better as well." Sofia boned "That's good, I loved to go on wine walks with some of my friends." The other one laughed "Wine walks?" The girl nodded "Yeah. You meet up everyone gets a big glass of wine and than you walk through the streets until you're done." Both women smiled comfortably. Alexandra grinned wider "Sounds like a lot of fun." The other nodded wildly "It is." She watched as the dark haired one shuffled on her feet before asking "You think I could join you sometimes? The most of my friends don't "walk" anymore, anywhere." Sofia grinned "Oh, I'd love that. Here I'll give you, my number." She tipped her cell number into Alexandras phone while elaborating "I am moving here next week, so then we could meet up than." The other women put her phone back "You don't already live here?" The other shook her head "Not yet, I just bought my apartment last week." They kept on talking till Charles came over. He seemed a little less happy then before, but still carried a bright smile.

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