A Shallow Grave

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TW for this chapter!!
Descriptions of gore
Gore art

Test Tube ran.

Her feet too her as fast as she could back to the camp.

She could hear the crunching of grass behind her, getting closer every second she took a stop to breathe.

And suddenly, a wave of relief hit her when she saw Fan in the distance, dropping wood into the now lit fireplace.

"FAN!!" She yelled, catching his attention Fan turned his head up at the science beaker. "Te-" She began before she practically rammed into Fan like a football player, both of them tumbling across the dirt. "Jesus, what's going on with you guys?!" Paintbrush yelled and scrambled back away from them.

"Someone's grumpy, huh?" Bow said in a sing-song voice. Test Tube got up from Fan with panic in her voice, "G-Guys...Cabby...gone...Blueberry....he-"

"I'm WHAT, Test Tube?"

Test Tube slowly turned around with a face of terror upon hearing that soulless, deep voice. Blueberry stood on top of the pic-nix table, a large sturdy rock in his hand, big enough to break the table in half if he simply dropped it. Everyone stared in horror as Blueberry's hands were beginning to tremble, his eyes glancing an almost everyone around the fire, staring at their shocked faces. His frown slowly curled up into a sick, twisted grin. He began to chuckle ever so slowly. "Look at all of you...look at your gross fucking faces...That's the look they all gave me...when I killed them...when they realized it was me...poor little Blueberry, who could never hurt a fly if he so wanted...hahha...HAHAHAHAHA..."

"B-Blueberry...? C-Can't we just...t-talk this o-" Balloon slowly approached the pic-nix table, only for Tea Kettle to hold onto his shoulder and direct him backwards. "Blueberry, dear, I know you're upset, but can you AT LEAST get your disgusting feet off the table?! You'll contaminate the food!" She said with distaste, prompting Paintbrush to give her a stare of disbelief, "THAT'S what you're worried about right now?!" They yelled and pointed at Blueberry.

"Oh...you think this is funny, huh? You think this is a fucking...little funny moment, huh?! You think this is WORTH LAUGHING OVER?! WELL LOOK AT ME! I'M LAUGHING MY ASS OFF HERE! AND I'M LAUGHING AT ALL OF YOU FOR HOW..HOW STUPID YOU ALL REALLY ARE!"

"What is your problem?!" OJ yelled.

"PROBLEM?! WHY, WHAT IS MY PROBLEM, HUH?! I could list so many things wrong with me...things people just LOVE TO FUCKING POINT OUT. It started with Traffic Cone, admittedly it was just an accident but...I wasn't too good at hiding the evidence at the time. But at least that case was good at its job, huh? But then Ladle and Toasty had to just TRY TO RAT ME OUT! I had to silence them too...I wasn't...going to get...caught...But of course...of course COTTON SWAB, that bastard...HE managed to CALL THE POLICE before I could slit his throat...And I ended up behind bars..."

"I knew it...you ARE the escaped convict...those people you mentioned...they were your first victims..." Test Tube mumbled.

"Blueberry, why..?" Was all Goo was able to muster up, the knot in his stomach getting tighter every moment Blueberry lost his cool.

"I'm pretty sure I made it SO FUCKING CLEAR WHY...If I wanted to stay out of trouble...I had to keep people from figuring out who I truly am...that's why I ran away to this island...it was hopefully my cheap getaway...but we ended up getting stranded! And now I'm here...WITH ALL OF YOU...Lifering was an easy target to go for first...His motivational speeches would just eventually get old overtime...so I figured I'd just kick the dead while they die, huh?"

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