(Mini-Chapter!) New Home

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I'd like to consider this the apology chapter for killing Clover I'm genuinely sorry please don't hate me anymore

Also I just want to say I don't hate Clover at all, she's a good character. I just wanted to add a bit of emotion to the story and I'm very sorry if you guys hate me for that. Same with Lifering. I hold nothing against any of the characters I kill off in this story.

Clover woke up with a gasp. No longer was the pressure from the rope around her neck there, but now she felt...lighter than usual. Almost like she was...floating.

Probably because she was.

She looked down, noticing her legs had been replaced by a ghostly tail. "Oh, uh...how strange," Clover just said, looking around the room she now found herself in. It looked almost like the inside of a mansion, old and abandoned. "Ooh...this place could use some cleaning..." she said and wiped some dust off a nearby dresser."Clover?? Is that you??" She suddenly heard a voice say. A familiar voice. She turned around towards the doorframe nearby, her shocked expression turning into one of joy when she saw Lifering. He too took on a ghostly form just like her. Though, he looked clearly happy to see her.

"Lifering!!" Clover cheered as she hugged Lifering, trying not to phase through him, "I can't believe it!"

"It's great to see you too! But...if you're here...does that mean...?" The smile on Lifering's face slowly faded once he connected the dots, "Oh no...you died too, huh?"

"Yeah...I'm so sorry..."

"Let me guess, Blueberry got to you too, huh?"

"Oh, nonono! It was actually...Nevermind. I just wish I had the chance to forgive Nickel before I died. I know he didn't mean to say all that stuff, but...it just hurt me...with me never really having a real friend in my life, it just...upset me. But now that I'm dead...does that mean...I lost my luck?"

"Well...I gotta admit, I am pretty lucky to be seeing you again. Box is here too! He's playing poker in the game room with the others."

"Ooh! Poker?"



"UGH, a Royal flush AGAIN?!" Bow yelled when Box set his cards down, "How many times has that been now??"

"He's been on a winning streak for five games! I think. No, wait, I think it was nine," Apple said while Marshmallow wrote another tally mark under Box's name on a clipboard. "Actually it's 13," She said.

"Hey guys! Look who's here!" Lifering said as he floated in, holding Clover's hand.

"Oh, shoot. A new roomie? Well, you know what this calls for," Bow snapped her fingers. Suddenly, confetti popped out of nowhere and a banner lowered from the ceiling saying "Congrats! You're dead! (This isn't a threat btw you're actually dead)" Clover stated in surprise.

"...Wow," she said.

"Oh, she does this whenever someone new enters Purgatory Mansion. It's a nice way to make new people feel comfortable about being dead." Lifering said.

"Well...it's...nice to know she cares!" Clover smiled, "anyway I can join this game?"

"I mean, we need someone to stop Box's winning streak. So, why not? Round 25, let's go!" Marshmallow cheered.

 So, why not? Round 25, let's go!" Marshmallow cheered

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