Venemous Promises

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Mentions of poisoning

Earlier yesterday...

The rock just barely missed the bird's nest, falling off the branch and landing on the ground with a thud. OJ sighed and crossed his arms, "Darn in..." he mumbled while Test Tube looked at him, "OJ, you've been at this for almost an hour and a half. What's so good about this bird's nest anyway?" She asked.

"I'm tired of eating fish everyday, Test Tube. We're low on our rations and we've been eating the same fish every day. If I can get those bird eggs, then we can probably cook them for dinner tonight."

"OJ! What are the chances those eggs could have embryos in them?? Not all eggs are like the eggs you buy at the store!" Test Tube said, just the mentioning of eggs giving her some...flashbacks. OJ sighed and sat back down on the ground, not bothering to pick his stone back up.

"Yeah...I guess you're right...What are we supposed to eat then...?"

Test Tube looked around the area, before she noticed a particular bush. A bush full of ripe purple berries. Those berries were recognizable from a distance. She never knew they were able to grow in this biome, but it was incredible that they could. "Look, OJ! We've got some berries right here!" Test Tube ran over to the yoyleberry bush with OJ catching up behind her.

"Berries...? But...what if they're poisonous?"

"I've seen these berries before. They're yoyleberries, grown in the exotic Yoyle Land. They're safe to eat, just with the side effect of turning into metal."

"Metal...hey, at least it will...keep me from shattering, right?"

"Well, that's one way to look at it, yes." Test Tube nodded. OJ then reached his hand out to pick a berry from the bush, putting his hand on one of the ripe fruits.

 OJ then reached his hand out to pick a berry from the bush, putting his hand on one of the ripe fruits

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"OJ!" Test Tube shouted.

The snake that bit OJ hissed and began slithering away. Test Tube looked at OJ, who grabbed onto his bite wound. Through the protrusions in his glassy skin, orange juice was flowing down his arm and body. Test Tube observed the wound herself, eyes widening. "C-Come on! We gotta hurry back to the campsite!" She grabbed onto OJ hands and ran practically at Mach 10 back towards the camp site. Once they arrived, Test Tube dug through the safety kit, first pulling out the red gauze, and then shuffling for something else in the kit. "Nononono...I can't find any disinfectant!" Test Tube shouted in panic. OJ looked down at his still bleeding wound.

"I-It's fine, Test Tube. Just...just bandage my art up, ok? I'm worried I might get drained if this wound stays open for too long..."

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