Peace of Mind

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No words were spoken. No sound was made. Other than the pitter patter of the rain against the ground and the soft sobs of everyone around them. "This...this is my fault..." Balloon suddenly blurted.

"Balloon,'s not-" Test Tube tried to comfort Balloon, only for him to retaliate,

"No! It IS my fault! I-I should've never asked Candle to light the fire, I...I didn't know it would do that! I don't know what happened! A-And now Box is dead because of me! I-I'm so sorry!" Tears slowly streamed down the balloon's face, which mixed with the rain and streamed down his cheeks. Nickel watched as Balloon broke down. He couldn't say anything, what was there TO say? But clearly...he was fighting back tears as much as everyone else was. So, he just used his prosthetic leg to pat Balloon on the back. Balloon quickly hugged Nickel, burying his face into Nickel's metal body as he cried. "Okay, okay. Calm down, you big mess," Nickel said.

Silver Spoon then emerged from the forest, looking at the soot-covered ground and Box's charred remains. "Ah...Not naming any names, but it seems someone got a little too, should I say, rowdy at the campsite?" He said, putting back on his regal persona like nothing ever happened.

"...Drink bleach," Paintbrush snarled.

"Paintbrush!" Tea Kettle scolded, smacking Paintbrush in the arm.

"I'll just...tune you out then," Silver sighed.

Thunder suddenly cracked nearby, the rain picking up steadily. "We're going to need to take shelter for tonight," Cabby said, feeling the rain practically pelt them down. No one even questioned it. They quickly began running away from the campsite. Everyone but Nickel. He was still trying to move on his bad leg. "HEY! DON'T LEAVE ME BEHIND!" He yelled. Tea Kettle skid to a stop and ran back, picking up Nickel and placing him on her back. "Mama's gotcha!" She said, quickly running to catch up with the group. The gray coin looked back one more time at their now destroyed campsite, and at Box's corpse.

"...Rest in peace, buddy..."


The rain grew heavier the more they ran. And yet, shelter never seemed more far. "How much farther?!" Fan yelled from the second to back of the line.

"As soon as we can find somewhere to get away from the rain!" OJ replied.

The group stopped when The Floor called out to them from the distance, "HEY! MATES! Over here!" Right behind his face was a small sturdy cave covered in mold and twigs. "It'll work! C'mon!" Balloon said. OJ Ran in front of the group and pulled back the twigs covering the entrance to the cave, keeping them open so the others could run inside. Once everyone was in, the glass of orange juice quickly ran inside and released the twigs. The inside of the cave was dark, yet there was less moss and more rocks. Tea Kettle set Nickel down on a nearby rock. "There we are. All out of that downpour, eh? Don't want us getting sick," She said. Test Tube suddenly gasped.

"Oh no!! We forgot about the safety kit!! AND THE RATIONS! The rain probably ruined them!" She yelled.

"I doubt we have to worry about the safety kit. We can go and retrieve our rations when the rain passes..." Cabby said as she opened her cab, releasing Bow. "Woahh, I really need to take a seat, I'm dizzy..." She said and collapsed on the ground.

"I bet we're all going to starve soon..." Blueberry mumbled, laying on the rock next to Nickel.

"Hmph..." Yang grumbled underneath the mouth cover, prompting Yin to hit his arm again. "...Hmph. We're going to have to improvise if we don't want the ankle-biter Yang eating anyone again," Silver said, eyeing Nickel who gave him a glare.

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