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The darkness of the night rolled around. The fire was doused, and almost everyone had begun to sleep in the cave. It was such a relief that OJ finally decided to move from the fire the past few days. He now sat against the wall of the cave. No one was quite sure if the affects of the poison had worn off, but the glass of orange juice still looked as if he was recovering from a high. It really upset the others, in all honesty. Perhaps it even upset him. But it really didn't matter at this point. Hopefully he would make a smooth recovery for the time being.

OJ sniffled and wiped face with his bandaged hand. His vision was still a little woozy, and he still felt a bit light headed. But it was manageable. As far as he could see, everyone was accounted for. Aside from Silver, Candle, and Goo. After the whole...incident...he heard yesterday, he was a bit concerned. Yet the poison drowned him out at the time. OJ leaned up and looked over at Fan, who was fast asleep while laying on his shoulder. "...Fan...?" OJ nudged at the paper fan in an attempt to wake him up.

"...Fan...are you-"

"Hey, you need somethin' from him?"

OJ held back a shriek when he heard The Floor's voice abruptly cut in. "...I...uhh...wanted to talk to Fan..."

"Oh, okay. You two seem to be pretty close to each other. Are you two...a thing?"

A wave of dark orange blush spread across OJ's face. "No...I-...I already have a boyfriend."

"Really? I've just been living by myself here and I really haven't gotten into this whole...relationship...thing. What exactly for you?"

"Well, love is...nice. It makes you feel're safe and cared for by someone close to you. And it's wonderful. That's kinda what Paper is to me. Someone who I feel nice and safe with. It's...wonderful."

"I guess I've been missing out alot, huh?"

"...Hey, when we get out of this situation, I'll...try and find a way to bring you along. You can stay at the hotel could try and learn a thing or two about love. Okay?"

"You'd really do that, mate? I've been living on this rock for...lord knows how long...and I've never really thought of leaving beforehand. I don't even know if I CAN leave, to be honest."

"Well, we'll figure it out. You deserve to have someone to care for."

The Floor smiled, "Thanks, mate. I appreciate it."

" problem. Maybe I can introduce you to Paper too."

"That's your boyfriend, right? Tell me all about him!"

The two practically talked for the rest of the night.



Silver hadn't moved from the same spot for the whole night. His throat dry from screaming and crying, his beauty mark nearly washing off from all the tears he had been crying. His eyes were still plastered on the river stream, watching it run through the creek. On a normal day he'd be more conscious about his appearance. He didn't normally cry like this, because it was improper for royalty like him. But losing Candle, possibly the only person here he had the slightest connection with, the only person who he trusted among this group of "commoners," broke him. What was there left to live for on this island if she was gone?

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