Dinner for Me

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Implied Cannibalism


The night was cold. Far too cold. Yin-Yang shivered as they tried to hug themselves tighter for warmth. Without their fire, they were just left to shiver from the chilliness of the air. They clearly weren't the only ones, as everyone else made slight shivers in their sleep. Yet...Yin-Yang seemed to be the only ones who couldn't even close their eyes because of it. There was only one piece of fish left, a piece of fish they didn't eat because Yang was being crabby, like a 5-year-old picky eater. "I can't TAKE THIS ANYMORE!" Yang yelled and leaned up from the ground.

"Yang, please...the others are sleeping..." Yin tried to offer Yang some solace, yet it was futile due to Yang not being able to function.

"I couldn't care less about everyone else. I can't live like this!"

"Yang, you know you don't have a choice in this either

Ups! Tento obrázek porušuje naše pokyny k obsahu. Před publikováním ho, prosím, buď odstraň, nebo nahraď jiným.

"Yang, you know you don't have a choice in this either. We have to survive out here as long as we can if we want to get rescued. Not only that, but you've been making a fool out of yourself! You didn't want to eat dinner just cause you didn't like fish and now we're starving as a result!"

"Quit complaining! If you had just gotten me something from the rations pile we wouldn't be arguing."

"You know we need those rations, Yang! We can't eat them all in one day because eventually we'll run out! What will it take to get you to stop acting so childish?!"

"Maybe if you didn't act like my mom, I'd actually try for once!"

"I'm not acting like your mother, I'm being a decent person in this situation unlike you! You're not taking any of this seriously, Yang!"

"Oh, is that it? I'm not taking this seriously, am I?"

"Of course you aren't!"

"Is that so? Then watch me do it right now! I can probably take this more seriously than you!"

"W-Wait, what?"

Suddenly, Yin-Yang's body slowly moved upwards from the ground, both of their eyes a clear bright white. Yang had taken control. "Nonono...Yang, what are you doing?!" Yin tried to speak through their shared consciousness, watching as Yang piloted their body towards Nickel. The coin was fast asleep, laying on his back while letting out congested snores. "You say I'm not taking this whole situation seriously, huh, Yin?" Yang snarled as he grabbed Nickel's left leg with an iron grip.

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