25 - Denying the Inevitable.

Start from the beginning

"A light knock at my door stirred me from my thoughts, "Frankie, you're up?" It was Layla, her voice unusually subdued.

"Yes, come in," I said, urging her inside.

But when she did, there was a certain tension in her presence, her usual bubbliness seemingly deflated.

I was quick to ask, "Are you okay?"

"Yeah, yeah I'm good," she responded hurriedly, yet her tone betrayed her words. "I was just thinking of paying my cousin a visit today."

"You have a cousin?" I was surprised; I had no idea she had any relatives. "I wasn't aware you still had family."

She nodded, "Yes, she's been away for a long time but she's back in town now. I really want to see her." Still, her drawn-out explanation made me suspect there was more to the story than she was letting on.

Silence hovered between us as I absorbed her words, my gaze flickering thoughtfully over her uneasy expression. Something about her cousin's sudden arrival seemed connected to the change in her mood. What it was exactly, though, I couldn't put my finger on.

Eventually, I offered her a reassuring nod. "Why don't you take Andy with you, just to be safe? Call me if you need anything, alright?"

She looked slightly uncomfortable at the suggestion. "Can I go alone, please? It's been a long while since we last met and trying to explain my new life with you could complicate things. And I promise I won't be gone long," she explained tentatively.

It was a valid point, and yet, a nagging sense of unease caused me to think otherwise. But eventually, I chose not to push her on it.

"Okay, just be safe, yeah?" I reminded her, offering a comforting smile in an attempt to relieve her anxiety.

Returning the smile, albeit fleetingly, she darted out of the room.

Without a second's delay, I found myself reaching out for my phone and dialing Andy's number.

"Yes, boss?" Andy's voice resonated from the other end.

"I need you to discreetly tail Layla, without letting her know. Be nearby just in case anything happens," I directed.

"Yes, boss," he replied without a hitch.

His affirmation did little to ease my anxiety. Taking a more stern tone, I commanded, "Andy, she's in your hands. Protect her, no matter what happens!" With those words I ended the call.

A sense of unease started to creep over me as I questioned if I had made the right decision allowing her to go alone.

I shook off the negative thoughts and bolted out of bed, recalling the meeting I had with papà and Ronan in an hour.

Upon reaching papa's house, I bumped into Ronan, just as he was getting out of his car.

"Hello darling," he warmly greeted me, as he lightly pecked my cheek.

"You're by yourself again, I see?" I questioned, a familiar topic between us.

With a grin that I found endearing, he replied, "Frankie, you know me well enough by now. I absolutely despise the idea of bodyguards trailing after me like ducklings."

His stubborn independence always amused me. Regardless of how many times I insisted on his need for security, he always refuted me with a defiant stance. It was part of his charm.

Together, we stepped into the vast and welcoming house and navigated our way to papa's office.

"Morning!" Ronan and I greeted simultaneously.

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