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Start from the beginning

Once parked outside, I sent her a quick text, "I'm outside." The response came swiftly, and before I knew it, Seori practically sprinted out of her house, a burst of energy and excitement. She hopped into the car, her eyes sparkling with anticipation.

"Hey!" she greeted, her enthusiasm contagious. I couldn't help but smile at her eagerness. "Ready for our midnight adventure?" she added, her excitement resonating through her words.

I nodded, the hum of the engine matching the buzz in the air. "Absolutely. Let's hit the road," I replied, and with that, we ventured into the cityscape.

As we cruised through the city, the glow of streetlights casting a warm ambience, I turned to Seori, my hands steady on the wheel. "So, Ramen Queen, cityscape or highway for our midnight adventure?" I asked, a playful gleam in my eyes.

Seori pondered for a moment before a mischievous smile crept onto her face. "Why not both? Let's drive through the city and then hit the highway. Double the adventure!" she exclaimed, her eyes reflecting the thrill of the night.

I chuckled, impressed by her spontaneity. "Bold choice. City it is, and then we'll shift gears to the highway," I agreed, steering the car through the lively streets.

As we weaved through the city streets, the vibrant lights guiding our way, Seori's eyes lit up when she spotted a familiar golden arch in the distance. "Hey, there's a McDonald's! Can we stop for some ice cream?" she suggested with a grin.

I chuckled at her sweet tooth enthusiasm. "Sure, why not? Ice cream it is," I agreed, veering towards the drive-thru. The city night was alive with the hum of the engine, laughter, and the anticipation of an impromptu McDonald's run.

As we approached the menu, Seori excitedly scanned the options. "I'll take a sundae with extra caramel, please!" she declared, her order delivered with the fervor of a true ice cream enthusiast.

I placed the order and, as we waited in line, the city lights framed our fleeting moment of spontaneity.

As we parked in the dimly lit McDonald's lot, Seori and I unwrapped our ice creams, the sweet aroma filling the car. I took a moment, then said, "You know, there's a street race happening tomorrow night. I'm in, and you should bring Yeji along. Jake's into her."

Seori, caught off guard, choked on her ice cream. After regaining composure, she replied, "Jake? Yeji's not into older guys. She's 16, like me. No offense, but 20 is a bit much."

I grinned, pointing out, "Well, I'm 20 too, and you're here with me."

She retorted, "We're not romantically involved, Jungwon."

I continued, recounting a teasing conversation with Jake at the racing house. "I told Jake to stay away from Yeji, but he played the age card, saying if he should, then I should stay away from you because you're a minor too."

Seori, with a mix of surprise and amusement, remarked, "Well, I guess that backfired on you. But seriously, racing and matchmaking? Quite the combo, Jungwon."

After indulging in our ice creams, we resumed our midnight drive through the city. Seori, with childlike wonder, gazed out of the window, captivated by the urban tapestry passing by. Amused by her innocence, I playfully rolled down the window, letting the city breeze tousle her hair.

However, the wind proved stronger than expected. Seori, caught off guard, pulled away from the window, a mix of laughter and protest on her face. "Close the window, Jungwon!" she exclaimed, attempting to tame her wind-ruffled hair.

Chuckling, I obliged, closing the window as she brought her hair back into order. "What does the Ramen Queen desire now?" I teased, a playful glint in my eyes.

As Seori's laughter echoed in the air, I couldn't help but be drawn to the warmth of the moment. The city lights flickered like distant stars, casting a gentle glow on her animated face.

"You know, Jungwon," Seori began, her eyes still sparkling, "I'm suddenly craving some snacks. Something crunchy, maybe."

I chuckled, reaching behind the driver's seat where I had stashed an assortment of snacks for our late-night adventure. "You're in luck, Ramen Queen. I've got a stash right here." I handed her a bag filled with an array of chips and crackers, a playful smirk on my face.

Her eyes widened with delight as she perused the snack selection. "You think of everything, don't you?" she mused, grabbing a bag of her favorite chips.

"And there's more," I added, revealing a soft blanket folded neatly on the backseat. "In case the night breeze decides to be mischievous again."

Seori's expression softened with gratitude. "You're too sweet, Jungwon," she said, wrapping the blanket around herself. "Now, with snacks in hand and warmth secured, let the late-night adventure continue."

As we delved back into the cityscape, our conversation flowed effortlessly, accompanied by the occasional crunch of snacks.

After our sweet detour, the city lights fading in the rearview mirror, I steered the car onto the highway. The rhythmic hum of the engine synced with the pulsating energy of the night, and the open road beckoned us to explore its limitless possibilities.

Turning to Seori, I couldn't resist a mischievous grin. "Ramen Queen, ever want to feel the speed of street racing? After all, I am the Bad Boy Racer," I teased, my foot gently pressing the accelerator.

Her eyes widened with excitement, a playful glint matching mine. "Really? Let's do it!" she exclaimed, her adventurous spirit in full swing.

As the speedometer climbed, Seori's enthusiasm mirrored the adrenaline coursing through my veins. The city lights blurred into streaks of color as we embraced the thrill of the open highway. Her laughter echoed in the car, a symphony of joy that intertwined with the engine's roar.

However, as the speed intensified, Seori's excitement began to waver. The wind rushed through the open windows, the night air crisp and electrifying. A mixture of exhilaration and a hint of fear painted her expression.

"Okay, Jungwon, that's enough!" she called out, her voice carrying a note of urgency.

I eased off the accelerator, the car gradually slowing down. Seori, catching her breath, wore a mixture of astonishment and a dash of terror. "You sure know how to push the limits," she exclaimed, a nervous laugh escaping her.

Apologizing with a sheepish grin, I realized that the fearless Ramen Queen had her limits when it came to the speed of the Bad Boy Racer. "Just wanted to give you a taste of the streets," I explained, my tone a blend of amusement and sincerity.

Seori, while catching her breath, couldn't help but smile. "Well, consider me officially thrilled. That was... intense," she admitted, her eyes reflecting a mix of exhilaration and a lingering hint of anxiety.

The highway stretched ahead, a ribbon of asphalt leading us into the depths of the night. We resumed our journey at a more leisurely pace, the Bad Boy Racer and the Ramen Queen, now bonded by the shared memory of speed and the dance of city lights. As the miles passed, the laughter returned, the echoes of screams replaced by the comforting cadence of conversation.

To be continued...

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