before the battle

Start from the beginning

Grandpa finishes making his sandwich and looks at me. "Virgin... I'm liking Edward a little bit more now." He bites into his sandwich. I laugh.


When momma goes over to the cullens, Jake picks me up and takes me to Sammy and Ems house. We play board games, watch movies, and bake sweets.

I even started a pillow fight by hitting Jake in the head with my pillow. Sammy joined in while Em made dinner. Embry came over and joined in, too. It was really fun and lasted until Em called us for dinner. After dinner, Jake took me to the Cullen's house.

Eddie opened the front door for me and nodded at Jake as a thank you. Jake nodded back and hugged me tightly. He then kissed my forehead.

I walked inside and gave Eddie a hug. 'where's momma?' I think to him. "Upstairs in my room." I nod, run upstairs to Eddie's room. Momma was sitting on a bed looking at her hand.

I go up to her and get a good look at the ring she was wearing, "He proposed?" I see her nod, I look at the ring closer. It's oval, with a bunch of tiny diamonds. "It's pretty," I tell them.

The rest of the night, me, momma, and Eddie had a movie marathon of disney movies. Tarzan 1 and 2, lilo & stitch 1 and 2, and the emperors new groove. I fell asleep halfway through it.


In the morning, momma and I made a trail of our scent to lead the army to the clearing where the cullens would be waiting. Momma went a little extra and pricked her finger, leaving blood spots of ferns and trees.

"You're going overboard," Eddie stated. "If this is all I can contribute, I want to be thorough."

"The newborns will be frantic." He looked at momma's wound. A drop of blood was on her finger."It's okay. Don't make yourself uncomfortable." Eddie shakes his head."It doesn't bother me anymore."

"Since when?"

"Since I spent 24 hours thinking you and Carlie were dead. That ring suits you, " Eddie says, and I glance at mommas ring. Jake comes over, and Eddie turns to him.

"Alice says a storm coming." I glance at what Jake's wearing. Shorts and no shirt, how is he not cold?! I'm wearing a black knitted shirt, black leather leggings, a black fur vest, brown boots, black earmuffs, and some sunglasses because they complete the outfit and make me look cool. I learned it from Pixie.

"Yeah, I can feel it. We should get going." Jake says, glancing at me. "Carlie will need warmer clothes than that. "

"I'll see you in a couple of hours," Eddie says. Just then, Sethy sneaks up behind and grabs me, making me squeal. Eddie gives both me and momma forehead kisses and then walks away.

"Congrats on the engagement." Sethy and Jake say. Sethy was a little more enthusiastic than Jake, tho. Jake picks up momma as Sethy adjusts me in his arms. Then the boys take off up the mountain.

After a few hours, we reach the top. Eddie had already set up the tent. Momma goes and hugs Eddie. It's so cute that I aw at them. "Thank you," he says to jake, and Sethy. "You should get back before the storm hits," momma says as Seth takes off. He was spending the night with his mom.

"No, I'm staying. You'll need my connection to the pack to keep tabs on what's going on."

"You're not gonna fight?" I ask with hopeful eyes. If he doesn't fight, that's one less person I have to worry about. "Seth will spell me in the morning. He's not happy about missing the action, but it'll keep him out of trouble." I nod. Disappointed, Jake is still fighting, but relieved sethy isn't.

"Let's get you inside." Eddie says and takes me inside the tent."Here, Alice picked out some warmer clothes for you." He hands me some clothes.

I put on the clothes since the temperature is starting to drop as the storm gets closer. The clothes consisted of a white hoodie, a black coat with white fur inside the hood, black leggings, a baige scarf, a red beanie, red tinted sunglasses, and I use the same boots I was already wearing.
(Picture will be in next chapter)


Later at night, the storm really hit. I couldn't fall asleep because momma was chattering so much. I will admit I'm cold but not that cold. She should have worn warmer clothes. I shudder at the cold. "I should have chosen a site lower down."

"No, i-its fine, I'm okay." Momma says, still shivering. Now I'm starting to shiver. "What can I do?" He asks, sounding desperate. The night continues to get colder, and now I'm shivering, and my teeth are chattering. It's gotten below 0. The door to the tent unzips.

"I can't sleep with all that teeth chattering going on," Jake says as he steps into the already crowded tent. "Jake?" I croak out freezing. He was at my side in a flash with worry and panic in his eyes. "You're blue," he states and looks at Eddie in concern.

"I-im f-fine. Help m-my m-momma, " I say. "Munchkin, you're blue compared to her." I still share my head. My momma means more to me.

He lays down in the middle of us and pulls me practically on top of him. "Wow. You both are freezing. Relax, you'll both warm up soon.

I fall asleep as Jake starts humming my favorite song. Yellow by Coldplay.

Carlie SwanWhere stories live. Discover now