Episode 0 - Final Farewell

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3rd POV

The corridors of... an unknown area were immense, ceilings were three meters high and the air felt thick and oily. This wasn't an ordinary place, it was a ship.... A space craft that would carry hundreds or not thousands of alien soldiers. As an ominous silence continues to fill the halls, three figures were walking through it, not alien but a humanoid figure.... Human soldiers, soldiers donning armor of unique designs as they are known as Spartans... as the three walked through the corridors while still raising their weapons up, prepared for any attack. A small squeaky sound was heard as a small alien appeared right in front of them, surprised at he sudden appearance, he quickly sho multiple plasma shots at them while the Spartans returned by firing at the alien which results of the little alien getting shot and smeared blood everywhere, dying in the process.

"They're aren't bullet proof, good to know"  The one on the middle spoke.

"Collect samples, tissue, weapons. ONI would want them".

"Do you think we should've tried communicating? Another Spartan spoke, the soldier's voice is rather feminine indicating the Spartan is a girl.

"They understood us just fine" the one in the middle replied.

As they quickly examined the dead alien, inspecting its weapon and such, they continued their mission.

"Come on, we don't know what else is on the way."

The rest nodded as they continued their journey through the halls, as vigilant as they moved they eventually entered a large room.

"Clear!" The second one shouted out

The Spartan at front raised a hand signal to stop advancing as they looked around to see nothing at sight but one part of the room doesn't look what it seems. Knowing that a presence can be felt, they raised their weapons in different directions, ready to shoot at any until suddenly light was formed in a shape of a blade.


Larger footsteps were heard as the three readied and aim their weapons until the figured revealed itself from being invisible as it charges with an energy blade while roaring at them. The three Spartans did the same as they ran towards it while firing as the alien continues to roar at them while holding the blade. As both parties were about to clash into each other, the alien unexpectedly took out a Plasma pistol and shot a plasma shot towards the Spartan in the middle.

"John! Look out!"  

The Spartan on right quickly reacted to the unexpected attack and quickly pushed him to the side but ultimately fell as he took the plasma shot onto the chest, falling down rom the impact of the shot. The Spartan now revealed to be named John fell to the ground as he saw one of his Spartan comrades being picked up while the alien snarled at him but before he could even take his life, John quickly took out his pistol and shot at it multiple times as it drops him and proceeded to try to execute John with the blade but it end up falling and died on the spot due to the female Spartan taking the shot and ending it. 

"Argh, I'm alright, it's just... burns like nothing else"...

"You'll be fine... but biofoam won't sealed this" she replied to him 

John: That was stupid Sam!

Sam: You did the same thing for me...

John: That was different-

Sam: They couldn't afford to lose you, John

"Are you strong enough to move?"

Sam: Come on Kelly, I'm not that weak...

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 20 ⏰

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