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taylor swift

"Jack, are you sure?" Aven bit into her bottom lip, the deja vu making her body grow will chills as she looked towards the brunette boy.

He nodded with the devilishly smirk on his lips, bringing a hand to smoothe over his locks, holding a hand out for her.

She took his hand, the blades of her skates meeting the ice of the Prudential Center as she skated towards the middle.

"Can I tell you something?" Jack asked, his eyes tracing her as he watched her spin to face him with a hum. "When we broke up...I snuck in here a lot."

Aven furrowed her brows. "Really? Why here?"

"That night, when we snuck in here and just skated, was the night it came real for me." Jack admitted. "I knew in that moment, it was you."

Her lips quirked into a smile, her hands coming to wrap around his neck. "For someone who acts like they have no soul behind those eyes, you're being quite poetic."

Jack stifled a laugh with an eye roll. "Or maybe, I'm just in love."

Aven could feel heat rush to her cheeks, the butterflies ramming into her stomach. "Yeah?"

"Yes." Jack nodded, scrunching his nose slightly to kiss her lips softly. "Do you remember that necklace I got you?"

"How could I forget?" Aven chuckled, her eyes following his movements.

Jack reached in his pocket, pulling it out as he ran his thumb over the locket. "She gave it back."

"Oh." Aven nodded, shivering slightly at the remembrance of seeing it slung around the brunettes neck.

Jack tangled it between his fingers, Avens mouth going agape as she watched him break it, throwing the locket it onto the floor as he shattered it with his skate.

"Jack!" Aven gasped. "What the hell?"

He chuckled, shaking his head as he reached her wrist, flipping her back to his.

Aven could feel her breath hitch as he gathered her hair in his hand, moving it off her collarbone completely as he leaned down, pressing a soft kiss to her neck.

"We're starting over, yeah?" Jack asked, in a whisper tone.

She nodded weakly. "Yes. I'd like that."

Jack fiddled with something before Aven felt a cold
piece of jewelry coming around her neck, her fingers leaning to grab it.

"I just want you to know that I'm sorry." Jack apologized. "I don't wanna lose you again, Aven."

She turned to face him, cupping his cold cheeks. "You're not, okay? Like, ever again."

Jack wrapped his arms around her back, holding her tight to his chest as he nodded.

The two jumped, the lights around them flickering on as they stood with panicked faces.

"Well." Chris's voice had them startled, turning their heads as he stood at the top of the stairs, his arms crossed. "I thought the notification about the alarm was faulty but I guess not."

"Sir..." Jack began, licking his lips.

Chris lifted a hand, shushing the boy. "We can discuss this. Both of you, in my office."

Aven blinked, shaking her head as she skated away from Jack, him catching up to her as they began to untie their skates in silence.

The walk to his office was dreadful, Avens face filled with regret as neither of them bothered to say a word.

Jack opened the door for her, letting her in.

Aven could feel her stomach whirl with deja vu as her father gestured for the pair to sit. Aven keeping her head down as Jack brushed his hand against her thigh in attempt to comfort her.

"It's always you two." Chris chuckled, shaking his head. "Do you either of you want to explain yourselves?"

"It was my idea..." Jack began, willingly wanting to take full responsibility.

Aven shook her head, finally locking eyes with the man. "We both did it. If you're gonna blame anyone, blame me. Jack already has enough of his plate."

"Aves." Jack look towards her with furrowed brows.

Chris shifted. "I would have told you yes. You could've just asked me to use the ice. You guys can't be sneaking in here."

"I'm sorry." Aven nodded. "Wait, you would've said yes?"

"I'm not stupid." Chris chuckled, leaning back in his chair. "It's obvious you two still have unresolved feelings. Technically, you don't work for me anymore."

Jacks lips quirked into a smile. "So, are you saying you approve?"

"Are you good at long distance?" Chris raised his brows. "I like you, Jack. It was never that. I didn't want my daughter to get hurt and you proved yourself."

"Sir, I promise you, I'll do everything for her." Jack beamed, interlocking their fingers.

Aven bit her bottom lip, attempting to contain her grin. "Thank you, dad."


INVISIBLE STRING, jack hughes ⋆ ★Where stories live. Discover now