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taylor swift

Aven stepped into the Prudential Center, her eyes darting over the practice rink as she gawked in awe. "I can't believe in all of my eighteen years of living you never brought me here."

Chris chuckled. "Actually, I invited you. Guess you had better things to do."

"Yeah." Aven shook her head, setting her bags down as she followed her father through the arena. Her eyes fell on the small conference room.

Jack sat across from the coaches, his eyes darting to meet hers as the door opened. Aven walked in with her father, the two sitting at the long table.

"Ah, Jack Hughes. Have you met my daughter Aven?" Chris smiled, looking between the two as he sat at the end of the table.

Jack glanced up at her, smiling largely. "I have, sir."

"Oh, well, great." Chris cleared his throat. "Since you both are rookies, technically. I'm sure you'll get acquainted well."

Aven raised her brows towards the brunette, the two laughing lowly.

"With that being said, we have some rules set in place." Chris nodded his head towards the rest of the coaches. "Aven, most of the boys are young. Early 20's...exception some of them are older. With you being here, we cannot have the risk of any distractions."

Aven furrowed her brows, sitting up. "I'm confused."

"Friendship are strictly professional. This is all business. For example, Jack. Only a teammate. You're forbidden to start anything with any of our players. Understood?" Her father asked, crossing his hands with a stern look on his face.

She shook her head with a faint smile. "Yes, understood."

"Well, great." Lindy nodded. "We're happy to have you, Aven."

Aven forced a smile. "Thank you." She avoided Jacks lingering gaze, falling back into her seat with a sigh.

"We'll let you two get accustomed with the arena. Here's a map." Chris slid it to Jack, handing them a pair of keys as well.

"Thank you, sir." Jack smiled, the sliding chairs being pushed back in the two headed out, Jack holding the door for her.

Aven brushed a hand through her hair, taking the map from the boys hands. Her eyes traced it. "So, is my dad the biggest cockblocker or what?"

"Reminds me of Rapunzel." Jack chuckled, leaning closer as he gazed at the map.

She rolled her eyes. "My hair isn't that long, Jack. Plus, i'm eighteen. I'm technically an adult and he's still getting to choose my dating life."

Jack shrugged. "I mean, I see both sides. I don't know how I would feel if I found out my daughter was banging some kid I was coaching."

"Ew." Aven elbowed him, shaking her head. "Don't say banging."

"Sorry." Jack laughed, flipping the keys up into his palm. "Do you know what these unlock?"

Aven squinted, tilting her head before turning back to then map. "Locker room. The numbers match up."

"Cool." Jack bit his lip, attempting to contain his excitement as he followed her, his head turning to look at all the trophies.

"Key." She stuck her hand out towards him as they stopped in front of the door. He placed it in her hand as she unlocked it, huffing as she pushed it open.

The room was dim, the Devils logo in the middle of the floor as the only light came from the fridge in the corner.

"Sick." Jack mumbled, his eyes tracing over the large sayings written on the walls. He smiled, kid-like.

Aven's lips turned up as she placed her fingertips over the numbers 86, bringing them up over his last name. "Jack. You might wanna see this."

His footsteps approached her, his front meeting her back slightly as leaned forward. The mint scent made her breathing hitch as he grabbed his jersey.

Aven turned to look at him over her shoulder, watching his smile grow ten times. His light eyes focused on his jersey. He blinked, looking down to meet her gaze.

She turned her head at the intimacy, moving out of his way to stand to the side. She could see the disappointment creep over his face as he covered it.

"That's a good number." Aven averted her eyes from him, instead towards the bright red jersey hanging. "Not one of the basics."

Jack snickered, the small light illuminating his features. "So, how basic is six? I've worn that for years."

"Pretty fucking basic." Aven pursued her lips, holding a hand over her mouth as his face twisted in offense. "Joking. I'm sure you pulled it off just fine."

"Oh, yeah?" Jack screwed his brows together.

Aven rolled her lips into her mouth. "I'm sure you're going to get all the ladies, Jack. Girls love the innocent rookies."

"Do they?" Jack asked, intrigued.

"Yeah." Aven responded, flatly. "We should probably check out the rink."

Jack kept his brows together, noticing the sudden shift in her behavior as he followed her out into the thin hallway.

His eyes went round as they stepped into the rink, Avens face lighting up in awe at the brightly lit rink, displaying the hanging Devils banners.

Aven hurried up the stairs, Jack following closely behind her as they ran up section eight. She huffed, out of breath as she sat at the end seat, Jack shuffling in front of her as he plopped down beside her.

Jack turned his head, staring at the slope of her nose as her chest rose up and down.

"Just think, a few more weeks...this'll be you." Aven breathed, leaning her head back against the seat.

"Yeah." Jack beamed. "And you'll be right down there with me." He gestured towards the empty box.

The two shared laughter, Aven flickering her eyes between his. "I think you're gonna be a star, Jack."

INVISIBLE STRING, jack hughes ⋆ ★Where stories live. Discover now