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jp saxe

Aven brushed her hand over the linen skirt as she knocked on Jacks door. He opened it, holding a bottle of water. "Hey..."

"We're down in five." She handed him paper. "These are tonight's plays, study them on the drive." She didn't give him a chance to respond as she walked away.

Aven crossed her legs, glancing down at the suitcase beside her as the elevator descended. The doors opened as she rolled her suitcase out, nodding her head at the bus driver as he loaded it in.

She sat in the same spot, this time keeping a pillow beside her as she extended her legs out, opening her laptop on her lap.

Jack walked into the bus, furrowing his brows as he watched her sprawl out, headphones in her ears as she typed quickly. He shook his head, sitting across from her beside Nico.

Aven could feel Jacks stare on her side profile as she breathed. She slammed her computer shut, slipping it into the backpack fold as she slung it around her shoulder.

Jack stood in front of her, blocking the bus exit. "Hey, Aven."

"Hi, Jack." Aven responded flatly.

He stuck out the piece of paper for her, she kept her lips in a flat line as she snatched it from him, shoving her way past him as they walked into the PPG Paints Arena.

The boys were quick to put the gear on as they waited in the locker room, drowning themselves in water to stay hydrated.

Aven stood before them again. "These guys are good but that doesn't mean they're unbeatable. We're gonna keep the same routine, keep the puck on their side. Any time the net is open, shoot. Hischier you're starting."

"Wait, I start." Jack screwed his brows together, taping up the blade of his stick.

"I'm aware." Aven pursued her lips. "I'm changing things up, Jack. That's my job. Plus, you and Nico are the same amount of good."

Jack darted his tongue out to lick his lips. "Yeah, sure. That's not what I'm saying. I'm starter, then Nico."

"Yes, Jack. Thank you for that explanation." Aven narrowed her eyes at him. "But I want Nico to start this play then at some point you go in."

"So, I'm gonna get no playing time." Jack asked, shooting her daggers.

Everyone else stared blankly at them two, sensing the tension beginning to grow.

"I didn't say that." Aven clutched her papers harder. "But if that's what you want you can sit bench the whole game."

Jack twisted his face up at her, growing angry. "What is your problem?"

"I don't know, Jack, maybe look in the mirror?" Aven shot back with a headshake. "This play stands. If I at any point we change it, then you do that."

Jack shook his head, glaring at her as he placed the helmet on his head, buckling it as he stood beside Nico.

Aven turned her back to them, leading them out along with the other coaches. She clicked her tongue, hearing the applause mixed with booing.

Chris stood beside her, arms crossed. "What's wrong with Hughes?"

"Oh, nothing." Aven shook her head. "We just got into an argument about a stupid play. Guess there's still tension."

He hummed. "Remember what I told you, Av."

Aven shot him a small smile with a nod, swallowing as she stared out at the ice, watching them all gather for the puck-drop.

Jack had his arms crossed as he watched, shaking his head from the bench.

Nico fumbled, missing a clear shot as everyone sighed. Aven bit her bottom lip, cursing. "Okay, switch! Nico, out. Jack, go."

Jack placed his mouth guard in as he hit Nico's chest gently, joining his teammates.

The score was tied 3-3, the time for the third quarter running out. Aven watched, a hand perched on her chin as she scrunched her face up.

Jack was quick, juggling the puck as he shot it into the net, going above the goalie.

Aven screamed, hugging Brett tightly as they celebrated, adrenaline rushing through them as they hoped back to the locker room.

Press was already waiting for them, eager to hear the teams tactics. An older lady headed straight for Jack as he took the final piece of equipment off, sweat gleaming on his forehead.

"Jack, how's it feel to win the game winning goal?" She asked, holding the microphone up to his mouth.

Jack nodded, rubbing his chin. "Really good, uh, yeah."

"What's your tactic in getting it in?" Another reporter asked.

"Well, Aven tells us what to do and we just do it." Jack chuckled. "It's all about timing and where the goalie is."

Aven smiled softly, bringing the strap of her bag over her head as she walked out of the arena, hearing padded footsteps behind her.

"Av!" Jack panted, hissing from his soreness.

She turned her head, meeting his gaze. "Hey, Jack. You did really good out there."

"Glad you put me in?" Jack raised his brows, grabbing her bags for her as he gave them to the bus driver.

Aven rolled her eyes, stepping onto the bus as she sat, Jack sliding in beside her. "Really glad I put you in." She paused, rolling her lips into her mouth. "I'm sorry I was so harsh to you today."

"It's cool. We all have bad days." Jack elbowed her playfully.

She shrugged him off. "No, it, uh, wasn't that."

"What was it? Oh, that time of the month?" Jack cocked a brow.

Her lips parted in shock as she hit him in the ribs, causing him to hiss in pain. "Fuck, Aven. Jesus."

"I guess it was..." Aven shifted, glancing around the bus. "It's dumb, I thought you were into me and seeing you with Zoey just kinda pissed me off."

Jack raised his brows, a clear smirk coming across his slightly chapped lips. "Oh, Aven. I'm so sorry I made you jealous."

She snapped her lips together. "I wouldn't say I was jealous."

"No, that's exactly what jealousy is." Jack corrected with narrowed eyes.

Aven bit her bottom lip while exhaling deeply, hearing the bus doors shut as the lights dimmed. She laid her head on the back of the bus seat.

Jack matched her, facing her. "For what it's worth, Av...I am into you." He brought his hand to rest on her knee.

A smile broke out on her lips as he placed her hand over his. "Good."

INVISIBLE STRING, jack hughes ⋆ ★Where stories live. Discover now