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olivia rodrigo

Whistles blew loudly, echoing off the walls of the practice house. Aven blinked, holding a coffee in her hand, shaking her head at the loudness.

"Hey, sweetheart." Chris smiled softly at his daughter, popping open the latch to the bench.

"Hi." Aven smiled back at him, setting her cross-bag down. She peered over Ruffs shoulder, catching a glimpse of the team skating.

Chris handed her a stack of paper, it littered with colored pens and highlights seeping into the light material. "These are the plays for the first game. Go over them, study them. If you need, make changes. It's a home opener, gonna be packed."

"Okay, yeah." Aven nodded, taking her fingertips to glide over the notes.

"Oh, Av." Chris waved his hand. "There's someone I want you to meet."

A girl approached them, she looked slightly older than Aven. Her hair was dark and long, her eyes light with a perfect almond shape. A camera slung around her neck.

"Zoey Lee." The girl introduced herself, her lips turned into a wide smile. "I'm the photographer this year."

"Oh, sweet." Aven complimented. "Have you taken any yet?"

Zoey hummed, flashing her camera towards her proudly.

The photos were taken from all different angles, all different players. Action-shots of Jack covered the small screen, even some with him smiling.

"Those are really good." Aven nodded, a genuine grin on her pink lips. "Like, really good."

"Thank you." Zoey blushed. "They're pretty cooperative. I didn't expect that. Especially the rookie."

Aven shifted her eyes between the rink and Zoey, laughing gently. "Hughes?"

"Yeah." Zoey nodded. "He's a cutie, isn't he?"

"Uh, I mean..." Aven chuckled awkwardly, glancing around. "He definitely fits that hockey boy criteria. Have you met him?"

Zoey shook her head. "Not yet. The coaches want to introduce me after this. I've gotten some smiles...most of them being a little awkward."

"It's good media." Aven joked, the two sharing laughter.

Ruff blew the final whistle, rounding them team up. They all skated to the box, crowding around it.

"Alright, good practice. Just a few more things we need to tighten up on. Real quick, I just want you to meet Zoey. She's our photographer for the season so you'll be seeing a lot of her. As well as Coach Chris's daughter, Aven. She's an assistant coach with us." Ruff introduced, the two girls shifting as all eyes landed on them.

Aven darted her tongue out to lick her lips, her gaze meeting the familiar blue. She quickly looked down at her flats.

She gathered her things, organizing her papers as she was the last to head in, the boys stripping down out of the practice gear.

She turned the corner, stopping harshly as she nearly knocked into two bodies. "Sorry." She apologized quickly, fixing her bag strap.

Zoey and Jack turned their heads, a grin on the girls lips as Jack stared at her blankly. "Hi, Aven."

"Zoey." Aven nodded towards her, fixating on Jack. "Jack. My bad, I didn't mean to barge in or interrupt."

"Oh, no." Zoey waved. "You're fine. Just getting to know the star player." She laughed softly, brushing his arm.

Aven watched the contact, her lips falling flat. She cleared her throat. "Well, I'll let you get back to it then."

She hurried past them, shaking her head.

"Hey! Aven, wait up." The familiar voice called, she kept walking, letting the door slowly shut behind her. "Aven." A hand reached for hers, causing her to spin around.

"What?" Aven asked, her tone harsher than she had intended.

Jacks face fell slightly. "Uh, sorry. I just wanted to ask how your first day went."

Guilt spread across her features as she mentally cursed herself. "I'm sorry. That was harsh. Um, it's been good so far. Lots of paperwork. How's yours?"

"I'm sure." Jack nodded, brushing his hair back as sweat lingered in his hairline. "Overall exciting. Feels good to be back out on the ice."

"Lucky you." Aven mumbled. "I'd much rather be out there then going to the office and analyzing plays."

Jack bit his bottom lip with hesitation. "You said you used to skate, right?"

"Yeah." Aven tucked her hair behind her ear. "I used to. I haven't in years."

"Oh, why?" Jack asked, his curiosity getting the best of him.

Avens gaze softened as her cheeks reddened. "I, uh, got hurt pretty bad. I would've played for college but, you know, didn't happen."

Jacks lips parted with shock. "I'm sorry. I shouldn't have asked."

"It's fine." Aven shrugged. "Things happen. I'm over it now. Plus, doing something with hockey brings me joy, like, this is second best thing."

"That's a good way to look at it." Jack nodded with narrowed eyes. "Hey, if you want, we should, like, skate sometime."

Aven laughed gently. "Shouldn't you be asking Zoey that?"

"No." Jack shook his head, looking over his shoulder. "Why, does she skate?"

"I don't know." Aven shrugged. "Maybe you'll find out, star player." She teased, bringing her hand to wave towards him before disappearing in the elevator.

jealous queen

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