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"The Boston Bruins!" The announcer introduced, the Bruins fans going unbelievably wild as the team skated onto the ice, lights flashing with a yellow colorant.

The Devils had already been practicing, shooting pucks at the empty net as Vitek was getting hydrated and stretching.

"Nervous?" Zoey asked, her camera to her eye as she snapped a few photos.

"I mean, no but yes." Aven sighed, her hands in her back pockets. "I never go into a game with full confidence."

Zoey hummed, the camera around her neck as she dropped it. "Smart girl." She went silent for a few seconds. "Hey, can I ask you something?"

"Of course." Aven nodded, confusion on her features as she stared at the dark haired girl.

"Is there something going on between you and Jack?" Zoey asked lowly, aware her father had been standing feet away.

Avens lips parted. "What makes you say that?" Aven died deny nor tell the truth.

"I don't know." Zoey furrowed her, staring out to center ice. "I feel like I've always gotten a vibe from you two. Hey, I'm not judging. Hottest couple ever."

Aven chuckled, shaking her head. "I'm not supposed to date anyone apart of the team."

"So, you're not saying no..." Zoey smirked as Aven raised her shoulders, pursuing her lips.

"I really gotta finish these plays." Aven grabbed her binder, biting her bottom lip before exiting the bench, walking fastly towards the locker rooms.

Aven laughed to herself as she flipped through the drawn out diagrams lining her papers.

"What are these." A voice made her jump as his hands wrapped around her.

"Jack." She gasped, turning around quickly as she pushed him. "Are you crazy?"

Jack shook his head. "Just obsessed with my girlfriend."

"I knew it!" Zoey gawked, standing in the doorway with a sly smirk. "I fucking knew it. You little sluts."

"Zoey." Avens eyes went wide. "Zoey, please don't tell anyone."

The older girl shook her head. "I'm great at keeping secrets. Oh, by the might wanna cover your neck."

Avens hand shot up to where Zoey's eyes had been staring at, her brows furrowed. "What?"

She pulled out her phone, looking at the deep bruise on the right side of her neck. "Jack!" She hit his shoulder.

"Jesus, Av." Jack whined. "I'm sorry. I forgot that was there."

"Oh, you forgot?" Aven narrowed her eyes at him. "This explains why every one was staring at my neck. God, what if my dad saw?"

"He didn't." Jack comforted with a shake of his head. "He would've said something."

Zoey grabbed her shoulder. "I have concealer in my bag. Come on, we'll fix it."

INVISIBLE STRING, jack hughes ⋆ ★Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora