[𝟷𝟺]: 𝚁𝚘𝚞𝚐𝚑 𝚁𝚎𝚞𝚗𝚒𝚘𝚗

Start from the beginning

"Come on! You must know a cure for it! It was your own poison!"
The artic wolf spit out a harsh word but then his mouth gurgled out more blood, it seems Arlian's kick was more powerful than he thought...

Howl's hand grabbed Arlian's arm and he quickly winced from the pain, Howl's face shares the same apologetic look.

Swinging his mood around as if it was what the wheel of his destiny choose too.

"Don't you dare do anything to him..."
Arthman growled as he saw Howl's lips quiver before he open it and sink his fangs into Arlian's arm, Arlian shrieked in pain but shortly after, he stay in silence, letting Howl do what he does.

Arthman look pissed when he hear and see Arlian lying in pain, unable to do anything like this. He was about to step forward but then Mark stepped in with a face that shows his trust in Howl, Arthman was confused but then he back away as he saw Arlian's chest rising up and down from breathing, he's still alive.

"You never changed, the mood swings all around..."
Mark comments on Howl's action as he stepped forward to stand beside his beast friend, Howl scoffed, he was the first to provoke him into a fight... Right? Or is it his unstable emotion...

"It seems there's a bit misunderstanding around us... Well your eyes freak me out... Lets go, we shall not prolong any of this, I remember what Fanny told me..."
The artic wolf start to rise up slowly after making sure he stopped throwing out his own blood. But on the other side, Howl's eyes widen as he heard him mentioning Fanny, he think about asking before then he choose to not to.

Just a few steps and-BOOM-the surface crumbles down as it cover their way to the other side, the artic wolf's head twitched a bit from anger before he sees one white wolf falling down with the ruins of the surface.

The white wolf wear an advanced combat suit of an agent, plus those respirator he's using in his snout. The wolf's fur are thick but it drip down a goo-ey substance, it seems he was built like that...

"Wait you are..."
Mark dashed into the frontline, his face was covered with the shocked expression on his face. The wolf's ears twitched as his eyes goes to studies everyone on the group.

"Im Orion, Im searching for... Howl Nexcort-"
BAM-An ice spike was launched at the Orion, before it missed and crushed the ground behind him instead.

"Oh don't you decapitate his head..."
The artic wolf mutters, pulling his upper lips into a snarl as a freezing wind whirls around his body.

"Im just searching for one person, I remind you,"

"One person."


Akari's blade danced around with Fanny struggling to keep up with her sister's speed, Akari and Fanny clashed their sword as Fanny took this chance to catch some air.

"Akari! Please! Stop hunting us down!"
Fanny plead her tomboy sister as she reach the edge of her stamina, Akari paid it with a smirk, not hesitating to hold on even a bit.

"Why would I? I protect the beast because Connor's with you, but now he's gone, there's no use."
Akari push her blade as Fanny then stumbles and loose her guard, just as Akari's blade about to slice her neck...

WOOSH-Fanny's body flicker and gone in an instant, Akari's lips quivers and twitched from anger before she looks towards the huge building above her.

"That fucking bear... How is he so fast?"
Akari mutters, mentioning the bear beast running along with Fanny now as she finally come across a sweet getaway.

Akari's foot about to step forward but then a sound of a smooth footstep put her into a halt, she turned around to see a guy.

A guy dressed in black fleece jacket approachs her slowly as Akari slides his eyes to inspect his ECWCS trousers, his black round eyes darted right at Akari's eyes with his smooth curly hair dancing around with the wind.

Akari's gut feeling is telling that this person is not any ordinary person, she doesn't see any weapon with him.

"Sorry, did I ruin your fight?"
The person asked, his eyes moving right and left to see if anyone else is here. Akari scoffed and stabbed her blade into the ground.

She reply with a short word, the other person's lips curving up into a smirk as his hand pulled out a mechanical blade handle.

"Good, because you've been trying to kill my subordinates."
The person swiftly whip the handle and the blade pops up from the handle, he quickly pick up his stance, gripping the sword tightly in one hand as he breathes in and out slowly.

"You're nothing compared to-"
CLANG-The person blinks forward with his sword almost cutting off Akari's head, it will decapitate her head in one slice if she's not fast enough to parry it.

"Nothing? Are you parrying? Why wouldn't you take the hit? Its 'nothing', right?"
The person mocked Akari, he put his other hand on the back of blade before shoving it forward.

Akari stumbles as she tries to kept her balance but then-THWACK-his legs was slammed forward into Akari's stomach, knocking her back further. Akari coughed out a bit of blood as she was put down in the ground.

A rush of almost silent footstep was caught on Akari's ears, she quickly arced her eyes up to see the person's blade thrusting forward.

Akari quickly roll backward with the stinging sensation hitting her, she was just kicked in the stomach and the impact was this rough?

As Akari caught a chance to inhale a breeze of air into her lungs, she was shocked to find her opponent dashing forward with his sword already swinging forward at high speed.

CLANG-CLANG-Their sword clashed two times and that final clash was the strongest out of all attack he launched, Akari's sword flies out of her hand before then-THWACK-the person whirled up to the air before landing a powerful kick forward onto Akari's chest, she grunts as she flies back afar from that final blow.

She tried to push her body to stand but ended up falling back to the ground while gurgling out her own blood, this never happened to her before...

"Harru! Come on! We need help!"

Some voice called out for the person standing before Akari, mentioning his name, Harru.
Harru turn his head around before sighed, he click the small button on the sword handle before it razor sharp blade pulled and folded back into the handle.

"We're just trying to make some peace here..."
He stated before running back to the source of the sound, leaving Akari alone there.


Author's Love Letter:
Hey, hey, sorry to keep you all waiting. As usual, my imagination was scrambling up lately, but well what do you think?

Two new characters and Orion's return.
If you didn't know who's orion, he's the beast that is caught by the antibeast force in the first chapter. Before, he was taken by Edgard to be trained as an agent but Edgard then died during the search for Howl.

Now Orion is under Akari's wing, how strong could he be?

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