The final Chapter

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Playlist - Fuck It I Love You by Lana Del Rey


I don't care. I told myself as a constant reminder. I didn't care about the roses, the gifts or even the I am sorries. I wasn't going to be masochist to my feelings, they were fragile as it is. I didn't want to add more pain to it.

Axel had invited me to dinner. His note said, This one time. Please allow me to take you out on dinner. I promise I will leave you alone after it. Just this one time, please.

I had crumpled the note immediately after reading it, tossed in trash. Gone and forgotten. The next day, I got another note pleading to agree to go on a dinner with him and it kept repeating until I had enough.

Axel was leaning against his car, arms and ankle crossed. His stubble is unshaven and clothes a little creased here and there. He saw me stalk over to him and straightened up, his body taut and aggressively masculine as he pushed away from the car and closed the distance between us.

I held up my hand, stopping him from coming anywhere beyond what's deemed appropriate for ex-lovers.


"Sorry, I can't chat with you now. I just came to tell you that your flowers, gifts and especially these notes," I paused to hold one up in the air. "Needs to stop." I threw the note at him.

He wasn't a slightest bit deterred by it instead leaned forward. "I will stop once you agree to have dinner with me." His vivid blue gems bored through the unrelenting challenge in mine.

"No, Axel. I won't."

"Why won't you give me one chance?" He raised his voice, for the first time, I heard emotions in his voice. He was a desperate man and wouldn't back down until he had what he wanted. "Just one dinner. After that, I will not bother you again."

"What do you think will be accomplished on this dinner that you're so insistent about? What do you want from me?"

"I want you, goddammit," he bit out, urgently. He clenched his fist to conceal the sudden surge of anger. "You promised me that you wouldn't love anyone." He threw an accusing jab at me. "I asked you to trust me, but you never did."

"I don't have time for this." I swung on my heel, wiped my clammy hands on my overcoat despite the cold.

"Toots, just listen to me."

That term of endearment flooded painful memories back to the surface of my brain. I hated how I felt. I hated how weak my resolve was and certainly hated that I was weak and couldn't ignore the frustration call from him.

I wished I had not looked back. He sent my world awry and he expected me to come back to him, just like that? How could he...

"Don't come near me, Axel." I begged him. "You've hurt me enough for one lifetime." A tear cascaded down my face, I ignored how defeated he looked, I avoided what it did to my heart.

I strode towards the bus stop, hoping he had gone by now. The sound of his car engine roared back to life, my heart breaking a little as I heard him leave. I didn't care, I told myself. He could go back to the burrow he came from.

But he was still here. The car rolled up beside me with blares of honk to garner my attention as well as the bystanders. I took one glance at the car to find he had rolled down the window and was keeping up with my steps.

He was making a scene on purpose and with the curious heads turning at us, staring down at us. He was working onto getting my attention. When I turned towards the car, getting off the pavement to go to the car.

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