Bắt đầu từ đầu

Luka: Oh, come on, aren't you pissed? - He groaned - Yesterday, that jerk appeared into her house out of nowhere and acted like he's the man Elena's been waiting for. He started looking down on both of us, and when I was alone with him in her bedroom, he made it pretty clear what he thinks about us.

Jasmine: Well, I was irritated, but I trust Elena. I'm sure she'd never replace us - I nodded, preparing the coffees for us - Plus, she wouldn't let a situation like with Eric happen again. I believe in Elena's healing process, and I'm confident she won't let any asshole manipulate her again.

Luka: Sweet bullshit talking, you're pissed too.

Jasmine: I'm telling you, I was! - I laughed in powerlessness - But what are you afraid of? That Nick showed up and now Elena will toss us aside? Come on, she doesn't even pay attention to Nick when he's around. Didn't you notice yesterday? She was totally indifferent to his presence.

Luka: But I wasn't - He crossed his arms.

Jasmine: Oh, come on - I laughed again, seeing his totally offended facial expression - No one's gonna replace you in Elena's life. And if you don't want to take my word for it, just ask her yourself.

Luka: I'm not a crybaby.

Jasmine: Oh, really? - I smirked, poking his arm - Isn't it you who's been gossiping with me about Nick since we woke up?

Luka: I could've talked to you yesterday, but you were off getting wasted with Elena, downing wine like there's no tomorrow - He said, looking annoyed.

Jasmine: That's not true! - I laughed - I wasn't that drunk.

Luka: When I finally tried to drag you to the car, you hit my head with the frying pan, fuck knows where you got that, kicked me in the balls and threatened to call your fiancé to kill me for harassing you.

Jasmine: See? At least you can be reassured about my absolute loyalty to you - I chuckled, attempting to embrace him, but he put his hand on my forehead, pushing me away - Grouch - I slapped his hand away, turning to the kitchen island again.

Luka: But getting back to the point - He sighed, crossing his arms again - He's aware that Jake's lurking around, and even though, he wants to brush him off as well, Sunshine. And the worst part is, Elena confirmed his words.

Jasmine: That Nick was her first true love, right? - I turned on the machine.

Luka: Yeah - He nodded - You know, him spewing that bullshit is one thing, but hearing Elena say even therapists told her Nick was the only guy who didn't hurt her is really something. I'm just glad he left before hearing that from Elena; his ego would've skyrocketed even more.

Jasmine: But again, why do you care? - I shrugged - I mean, I went through my first crush-love with Justin Bieber, convinced he was the only man who could make me happy even though he had no idea about my existence. And what? I ended up marrying a clown. Who really cares about first love anyway?

Luka: Old love won't be forgotten, especially when there are unresolved issues.

Jasmine: And here's the thing, if Elena was hung up on Nick all this time, she'd never be happy with Jake - I pointed the spoon at him - And you mentioned Elena admitted that Jake was her epic love. She has no reason to lie now. I trust her honesty, and if she said she loved Jake, she loved him. End of story. No room for Nick.

𝐁𝐚𝐜𝐤 𝐓𝐨 𝐘𝐨𝐮Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ