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Sophia: Alright, just look

اوووه! هذه الصورة لا تتبع إرشادات المحتوى الخاصة بنا. لمتابعة النشر، يرجى إزالتها أو تحميل صورة أخرى.

Sophia: Alright, just look... - She swiped her finger across her laptop's touchpad - Speaking absolutely hypothetically, if you were in the market for a house, which one would you choose?

Drawing closer to me while seated beside me on the couch in the hotel cafeteria, she practically thrust her laptop into my hands, prompting a soft chuckle to escape my lips...

Holy truth; my mother is the worst liar this world seen, and there's absolutely nothing she's ever been able to hide from us. I can tell Rose inherited that trait from her, completely...

With absolutely zero talent for being subtle about anything, she inevitably spills the beans about any plan, no matter how hard she tries to keep it under wraps. It usually started with her "discreetly" inquiring about our birthday gift wishes, which "miraculously" always come true during our childhood. I still vividly recall my charade of acting surprised while opening the door to our house in Denver, only to be greeted by guests shouting "surprise!" after my mother's relentless questioning about my school return time or my list of preferred friends to spend time with...

Yeah, let's just say my mother is utterly incapable of keeping secrets...

Right now, as I glide my finger across the touchpad, scanning through various houses for sale around Los Angeles in response to her "hypothetical question," I couldn't help but notice how adorable it was to see her attempt to conceal her genuine desire to move here...

Neither had I the heart to admit that I always anticipated the birthday parties and presents, and even now, as a soon-to-be 28-year-old nor I still can't bring myself to say it outright, crushing all her efforts...

Ace: And, hypothetically speaking... - I glanced at her gently - Would you want being centrally located for easy access to shops, or would you prefer the tranquility of the outskirts?

Sophia: Well, hypothetically answering... - She paused, lost in thought while staring at the screen, prompting me to purse my lips to suppress a smile - In Denver, we live in the suburbs, so it's not a big deal for me to spend 20, not 5 minutes, to go shopping since I'm driving there anyway.

Ace: Check this one out, for example... - I opened the housing brochure - It's not smack dab in the city center, so it's a tad more affordable, plus, you get a sizable chunk of garden space. In the city center, not only are the prices astronomical, but the properties are like cramped little cages, with barely any breathing space.

Sophia: Yeah, this one definitely piqued my interest too... - She nodded, rubbing her chin - I noticed there are some renovation needs to be done, like maybe updating the heating system, so I think Luka could assist me in negotiating an even lower price...

Turning my head discreetly to the side, my mother followed suit, seeming to snap out of her reverie, realizing she had voiced her thoughts aloud. Instantly, she adopted her serious expression once more...

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