Chapter 77 - Dragon Knight Bhautik

Start from the beginning

It didn't matter if Velios got hurt anymore. Velios had now entered a state he had only entered truly once before. He could feel adrenaline rush throughout his whole body. Velios got even faster as the fight continued. Even though Bhautik was able to block every attack that Velios threw, Velios now stood a chance of barely being able to keep up. With every punch that the dragon knight captain used, it only further slowed him down while Velios was psychopathically and gladly receiving his attacks, slowly catching up even if just a tiny bit. Multiple of Velios' body parts were laying on the ground, and all of Velios' clothes were fully covered in his blood. He had multiple holes in his body, had at maximum only three limbs at all times, and had parts of his head missing. Despite all of this, he continued fighting even more fiercely, being able to hit Bhautik even if he was blocking them in time. Velios was beginning to laugh even more while continuing to attack faster and harder than before.

At one point in the fight, the two of them just attacked each other, focusing solely on offense and disregarding defense altogether. Velios hadn't realized it since he couldn't even land an attack on him, but his regenerative abilities were not to be underestimated either. Limbs were flying everywhere, and the whole arena was slowly being covered with blood and other body parts. The punches were being thrown so quickly at this point that the barrier wasn't even being destroyed by the sheer power but by the frequency. Velios had two advantages over Bhautik: mentality and the rate of growth. Velios was adapting to his opponent and could now effectively tell what types of attacks the dragon was going to throw. Another thing which Velios was becoming better at by the second was his technique. He wasted fewer seconds with each small movement, always found the best positions to both dodge and exert maximum strength. Thanks to his adrenaline and overflowing amount of magic, he didn't even feel the pain either. He could lose an arm and would be completely fine, continuing to laugh while attacking with his other. He could lose both and would continue to kick until they had regrown.

Velios would punch even when his arms hadn't fully grown. His arms were still severed, and the inside of the arm could be clearly seen. Despite that, he had managed to land multiple attacks with his severed limbs. At this point in the fight, Velios was completely covered in his blood, and Bhautik was also covered in Velios' blood. The whole arena was cheering and screaming for the two of them, but barely anybody could see what was actually happening. None had realized just how impressive Velios' fighting abilities actually were compared to the dragon knight captain of the first battalion. A dragon that Velios had quickly realized was actually stronger than the king himself would most obviously catch the crowd's attention. All of the onlookers were amazed at what they were seeing—or rather, impressed at what they couldn't see. They could only see Bhautik at a few times, and they realized that he wasn't even the injured one. They all knew just how big of a beating Velios was receiving.

"O-o-oi... Shiva...! D-d-do you... are you seeing this...?" Vadh was left completely speechless. He couldn't even properly talk as he turned his head to face Shiva before turning it straight back after hearing another of their clashes in the arena. "A-a-and who's that other cat...?" Vadh sounded like he was afraid. He couldn't properly speak, and he stuttered at every word. His face was covered in both fear and excitement. Freya was equally as shocked as the rest of them and the band of criminals, literally sitting just a few meters away. They tried to express their emotions through words but couldn't. The thought of a mere dragon besting Velios in combat was simply ridiculous. Shiva couldn't even answer him as he watched the fight continue. He was one of the few who were able to see what was actually going on. From his and Freya's point of view, the most scary part wasn't even that the dragon was stronger than him, but it was the fact that they could tell just how much Velios was enjoying this.

Velios wasn't the only one enjoying the fight. Not only was Bhautik also enjoying the fight, but he was also growing at a rapid pace. The fighting got even more intense as the barriers soon began to slowly break. Not even those could hold the physical powers of the two put inside into a single place. With each attack, Velios grew stronger, faster, more durable, and better technically, and very soon, every attack became an attack that would sever a limb or destroy a part of the body. Blood, parts of skin, flesh, muscles, and even parts of different organs and the bones protecting them were spewing off into multiple directions, covering the whole field. The two of them could effectively attack each other at full power for hundreds of times in the duration of a single second, and soon, not even Shiva or Freya were able to see what was truly going on. The one with the worst reaction, however, was from the king. As the king watched the fight start to get even more intense, he could see himself fighting the man clad in pure black just a few days ago.

The king began trembling in fear as more memories of that day emerged in his head. He was standing up just moments ago and now began to buckle backward. He was breathing heavily from his mouth, and it took way longer to realize something else as well. The king knew of the massive amounts of mana the man clad in black possessed during their fights. Even if he didn't use it all, it was still far more superior than most dragons, and he even had better control over it. During the whole fight, the king had thought that it was something so simple and predictable, but little did he realize. The participant named Soilev hadn't even used a single bit of mana yet. Even for his healing, the king wasn't able to sense a single bit of mana. That just pointed out the fact that Soilev's natural restorative powers were so good that even the dragon knight captain, Bhautik, was struggling to defeat him. The king had then realized that if he truly wanted to, he could completely change the battle to his favor.

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