11. A Dearly Slap

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Donald nodded in agreement, his own plate nearly empty as he spoke up. "Indeed, Donna's cooking is second to none," he chimed in, a smile playing on his lips. "We're fortunate to have her talents grace our table every day." Frank nodded. "It's truly a testament to your dedication and skill, Mrs Way," he remarked. "I feel truly blessed to partake in such a splendid meal."

Frank scanned the room, his gaze searching for Gerard and turning to Hayley nearby, he approached her with a polite smile. "Have you seen Gerard this morning?" Hayley glanced up from her conversation with Donald and Donna as she regarded Frank. "Oh, Gerard? I think he's still in bed," she replied casually. "He's probably nursing a hangover or something." Frank's brow furrowed slightly at the mention of Gerard's condition, a flicker of concern crossing his features. "I see," he murmured. "If you don't mind, I'd like to offer him some assistance." Donald and Donna exchanged a knowing glance before nodding in agreement. "Of course, Pastor," Donald replied graciously. "We appreciate your concern for Gerard. Feel free to help him however you see fit." Donna chimed in with a smile. "Yes, we trust your judgment, Pastor. If Gerard's in need of assistance, we know you'll take care of him." Hayley, observing the interaction between Frank and Gerard's parents, nodded in agreement with their decision to allow Frank to assist Gerard. She saw it as an opportunity to further solidify Gerard's "friendship" with Frank, believing that if Gerard followed in Frank's footsteps, it could have a positive impact on their marriage.

In Hayley's mind, aligning Gerard with someone as influential and respected as Frank could only benefit them socially and potentially even financially. She envisioned Gerard being seen as a powerful person within their social circle, with Frank's guidance leading them to greater success. She believed that it was a step in the right direction for both her marriage and her own personal ambitions. Little did she know the true nature of Frank's intentions and the danger he posed to their lives. Hayley led Frank to Gerard's room, gesturing for him to enter. "If you need anything, just let us know. We'll be downstairs," she said with a polite smile before turning to leave. Frank nodded in acknowledgment as he watched Hayley depart. He despised her attempts to sway Gerard's affections. In his mind, Gerard belonged to him, now and forever. To Donald and Donna, he was a trusted friend and mentor to Gerard, someone whose influence they welcomed into their lives without question.

Frank closed the door behind him, the soft click of the lock echoing in the room. With measured steps, he approached the bed where Gerard lay, his breathing was steady. As Frank drew closer, he observed Gerard's peaceful expression. Frank reached out to gently brush a stray lock of hair from Gerard's forehead. "Gerard," he whispered, his voice barely audible in the quiet of the room. He hovered over the bed, his gaze fixed on the sleeping figure before him. For a moment, Frank simply watched Gerard . He yearned to wake him, to claim him as his own once more, but a part of him hesitated, wary of disturbing the fragile peace that enveloped Gerard in slumber. Frank's fingers traced gentle patterns through Gerard's hair. He couldn't resist the urge to touch him, to feel the softness of his locks beneath his fingertips. As he continued to stroke Gerard's hair, Frank's gaze softened. It was moments like these, when Gerard was asleep, that Frank felt the full force of his love for him. He cherished these quiet moments, knowing that they were fleeting and precious. "Gerard," Frank murmured again, his voice barely above a whisper. He leaned in closer, his breath ghosting over Gerard's ear as he spoke. "Wake up, my love. It's time to face the day."

With each word, Frank hoped that Gerard would stir from his slumber, that he would open his eyes and gaze upon him with the same adoration that Frank felt for him. But even as he waited, a part of him feared the inevitable moment when Gerard would awaken and the reality of their situation would come crashing down upon them. As Gerard's eyes fluttered open, he was met with the sight of Frank, his heart skipping a beat at the unexpected presence. Blinking away the remnants of sleep, he tried to make sense of the situation, his mind still foggy. "Frank?" Gerard murmured as he sat up in bed, casting a puzzled glance around the room. His gaze landed on Hayley's side of the bed, where she was nowhere. "What are you doing here?" Gerard asked. He couldn't fathom why Frank would be in their shared room. Frank's frown deepened, his brows furrowing in disappointment at Gerard's response. "That's not how you greet me," he echoed and Gerard's confusion only intensified at Frank's cryptic remark. "I... I'm sorry," he stammered, unsure of what Frank was expecting. "I just didn't expect to see you here."

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