You Turned Our Love Into A Battlefield

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*TW: A little bit of smut*

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*TW: A little bit of smut*

The morning sun filtered through the curtains as Frank slowly stirred from sleep. He stretched languidly and he sat up in bed, the events of the previous night came flooding back to him in a rush. But to his surprise, there was no sense of guilt or remorse.

Instead, he felt a strange sense of detachment, as though the events of the night before had happened to someone else entirely.

With a shrug, Frank pushed the thoughts aside and swung his legs over the side of the bed, his feet sinking into the plush carpet beneath him.

He made his way to the bathroom, the warm water of the shower washing away the last traces of sleep as he prepared to face the day ahead.

As he dressed and made his way to kitchen, Frank's mind was already occupied with plans for the day. There were errands to run, meetings to attend, and of course, his duties as the town's pastor to fulfill.

Frank went about his morning routine when the doorbell rang, interrupting his thoughts. He frowned slightly, not expecting any visitors at this early hour.

Nevertheless, he made his way to the door and pulled it open, revealing the figure of Mr. Barlowe and his wife standing on his doorstep.

Tears streaming down Mrs Barlowe's face, she wrung her hands in distress. "Pastor, have you seen Ray?" she sobbed, her voice trembling. "He hasn't come home since last night, and I'm so worried about him."

Frank wished he could laugh at the moment but he remained calm. "I'm so sorry to hear that, Mrs. Barlowe," he said. "But I'm sure he'll turn up soon. These things have a way of working themselves out."

Mrs. Barlowe shook her head, her tears flowing freely now. "But what if something terrible has happened to him?" she wailed, her voice rising in panic. "I can't bear the thought of losing my son!" Frank reached out a comforting hand.

"Try not to worry too much, Mrs. Barlowe," he said soothingly. "I'm sure Ray is safe and sound somewhere. Just give it some time, and I'm sure he'll come home." Mrs. Barlowe nodded, though her eyes were still filled with fear.

"Thank you, Pastor," she whispered. "I don't know what I would do without your support."

Frank forced a reassuring smile. "Of course, Mrs. Barlowe," he said. "Just remember to take care of yourself. Everything will be alright in the end."

Seeing the distraught state of Mr. and Mrs. Barlowe, Frank's heart softened. "Please, come inside," he urged, gesturing for them to enter his home. "Let's sit down and talk."

With hesitant steps, Mr. and Mrs. Barlowe followed Frank into the house, their eyes red-rimmed from tears. Frank led them to the living room and motioned for them to take a seat on the couch. "Please, make yourselves comfortable," he said, offering a reassuring smile.

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