4. Punishment

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*TW: scenes involving sensitive religious themes and actions with the Bible/ Smut*

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*TW: scenes involving sensitive religious themes and actions with the Bible/ Smut*

The soft morning light filtered through the windows of Frank's house, casting a warm glow across the room as he went about his morning routine. The gentle sound of water cascading from the shower filled the air, mingling with the quiet hum of the house. Stepping out of the shower, Frank wrapped a plush towel around his waist, droplets of water glistening on his skin as he moved across the room. He reached for his neatly pressed suit, the fabric cool and smooth beneath his fingertips. Slipping into the suit, Frank straightened his collar and adjusted his tie, his reflection in the mirror staring back at him. Frank delicately fastened his silver cross necklace around his neck, the familiar weight of the pendant resting against his chest. As he secured the clasp, memories flooded his mind, memories of moments shared with his boyfriend. He remembered the way he had used the necklace during their most sex time.

Closing his eyes for a brief moment, Frank allowed himself to relive those memories. With a soft sigh, Frank opened his eyes, his gaze lingering on the gleaming cross pendant. It was more than just a piece of jewelry; it was a symbol of their bond. Adjusting the necklace one final time, Frank took a deep breath. Over the course of their year-long relationship, Frank had molded Gerard into someone he never imagined he could become. Under Frank's influence, Gerard had embraced his kinky desires and perfected the art of lying. Their relationship was built on a foundation of dark passions. Frank reveled in the power he held over Gerard, relishing in the ways he could push his lover to new heights of pleasure and pain. Gerard, in turn, had become adept at navigating the complexities of their twisted romance, honing his skills as a manipulator and a seducer. He had learned to wear his masks with ease.

Frank's call interrupted Gerard's quiet morning. "Hey, baby boy. Wanna meet up later?" Gerard couldn't resist being a bit cheeky. "Hmm, depends. What do you have in mind?" There was a mischievous chuckle on the other end of the line. "Oh, you know me, always full of surprises. How about our usual spot?" Gerard smirked, feeling a rush of excitement. "Sounds intriguing. I'll be there." Frank's tone turned sultry. "Can't wait to see you, darling. Don't keep me waiting too long." With a playful wink, Gerard ended the call. Frank retrieved a Bible from the shelf, its well-worn pages a testament to his devoutness. He carried it with him to the living room, where he settled into his favorite armchair. As he flipped through the familiar passages, his mind wandered to Gerard, anticipating their meeting later. Frank's relationship with the Bible was complex, to say the least. On the surface, he appeared to be a devout follower, often seen reading the sacred text. His fingers would delicately trace the words. Yet, beneath this facade lurked a darker truth, one that Frank relished in secret.

For him, the allure of the Bible lay not in its teachings of righteousness, but rather in its condemnation of sin. Frank found a perverse pleasure in the forbidden. The more he delved into passages about lust, greed, and deceit, the more exhilarated he became by the prospect of indulging in such sinful behaviors. There was a certain thrill in being considered sinful. It was as if the very act of defying the moral strictures of the Bible lent a tantalizing flavor to his transgressions. The hypocrisy of it all only added to his enjoyment, fueling his desire to explore. Despite the adoration he received from the townsfolk, Frank was a man of many secrets. To them, he was the epitome of virtue, guiding them on the path of salvation. Little did they know, their respected pastor harbored a dark side, one that bore a striking resemblance to the very evil. Behind closed doors, away from the watchful eyes of his congregation, Frank reveled in his true nature.

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