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The Ways dining room

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The Ways dining room

*TW: smut*

The next morning, Gerard awoke to the soft rays of sunlight filtering through the curtains. Beside him, Hayley lay sound asleep, her chest rising and falling gently with each breath. As he gazed at her sleeping form, a heavy sigh escaped Gerard's lips, his thoughts drifting to the one person who occupied his mind and heart. Frank.  Closing his eyes briefly, Gerard couldn't help but wish that it was Frank lying beside him instead. With a resigned shake of his head, Gerard pushed himself out of bed, careful not to disturb Hayley's slumber. He knew that he had a duty to fulfill as her husband, but the weight of his secret weighed heavily on him.  Gerard made his way to the bathroom, the cool tiles beneath his feet providing a welcome contrast to the warmth of the morning sun. He reached for his toothbrush and toothpaste and squeezed a dollop of toothpaste onto his brush. His mind was consumed with thoughts of Frank, the man he loved but could never truly be with. Gerard brought the toothbrush to his mouth, the minty freshness of the toothpaste flooding his senses as he began to brush his teeth.

He rinsed his mouth and splashed his face with water and dried his face before straightened his posture. As Gerard finished his morning routine in the bathroom, the familiar chime of his phone interrupted the silence. With a quick swipe, he answered the call, the warmth of Frank's voice comforted him. "Hey, baby boy," Frank greeted. "I was thinking, why don't you come to church with me today? I know it's been a while since you've been, and I thought it might do you good." Gerard hesitated for a moment. On one hand, he knew that attending church with Frank would mean risking exposure and judgment from the congregation. But on the other hand, he couldn't bear to deny Frank's request, knowing how much it meant to him. "Um, sure, Sir," Gerard replied. "I'll come with you." A sense of relief washed over him as he made the decision, knowing that he couldn't bear to disappoint Frank, no matter the cost. As Gerard emerged from the bathroom, he notice Hayley still sleeping peacefully on the bed. His eyes trailed over her form, taking in the sight of her nakedness.

With a sigh, Gerard turned away as he began to dress for the day ahead. He reached for his suit, the fabric cool beneath his fingers as he slipped into it. As he fastened the buttons of his shirt and straightened his tie, Gerard couldn't shake the feeling of unease that settled over him. With a final glance in her direction, Gerard turned away. As Gerard made his way to the breakfast table, his parents, Donald and Donna, were already seated. With a forced smile, Gerard took his place at the table. "Good morning, Gerard," Donna greeted. "Did you sleep well?" Gerard offered a nod in response. "Yes, thank you," he replied. Donald glanced up from his newspaper, his brow furrowing slightly as he regarded his son. "Is there something on your mind, Gerard?" he asked. Gerard hesitated for a moment, his thoughts racing as he searched for the right words. "Actually," he began, his voice faltering slightly. "I was wondering if I could join to church today." Donald and Donna exchanged a glance, a hint of surprise flickering in their eyes before being replaced by a sense of pride. "Of course, Gerard," Donald replied. "We would be delighted to have you join us."

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