I Keep You Guessing So You Won't Leave

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*TW: Smut*

Ups! Gambar ini tidak mengikuti Pedoman Konten kami. Untuk melanjutkan publikasi, hapuslah gambar ini atau unggah gambar lain.

*TW: Smut*

The Ways entered the church and the pews were filled to capacity, the townspeople eager to catch a glimpse of the esteemed family. Gerard glanced around, feeling all eyes on him and his parents and he could sense the whispers and murmurs that followed their every move.

Gerard and his parents made their way through the crowded church and they were intercepted by Mr. and Mrs. Radke, longtime friends of Donald and Donna.

"Donald, Donna, it's so good to see you," Mr. Radke exclaimed warmly, clasping Donald's hand in a firm handshake and Donna smiled warmly in return, exchanging pleasantries with Mrs. Radke.

"Likewise, Mr. and Mrs. Radke," she replied graciously. "How have you been?"

Before Mr. Radke could answer, Mrs. Radke turned her attention to Hayley, her eyes lighting up with excitement. "And congratulations, Hayley, on your pregnancy!" she exclaimed, reaching out to give Hayley a congratulatory hug and Hayley's cheeks flushed with embarrassment as she accepted the well-wishes, exchanging polite smiles with Mr. and Mrs. Radke. "Thank you," she replied softly.

Gerard forced a smile and nodded along, doing his best to appear gracious. "Gerard, my boy, you're looking quite dashing today," Mr. Radke remarked, giving Gerard a hearty pat on the back and Gerard nodded, his smile feeling strained as he replied, "Thank you, Mr. Radke. I appreciate it."

"And Hayley, my dear, you positively glow with motherhood," Mrs. Radke gushed, reaching out to place a hand on Hayley's arm and Hayley smiled, her cheeks flushing. "Thank you, Mrs. Radke," she murmured.

"Thank you for your kind words," Gerard said, his voice faltering slightly as he tried to steer the conversation. "Hayley and I should probably take our seats first. She's been feeling a bit tired lately and shouldn't stand for too long."

Hayley nodded in agreement, grateful for the excuse to sit down. "Yes, that would be lovely," she added, offering Mr. and Mrs. Radke a polite smile. "Of course, Hayley," Mrs. Radke replied. "Take care of yourself, dear."

As they reached their seats, Hayley's hand slipped from Gerard's arm to clutch at her stomach, a grimace of pain crossing her face.

"Gerard," she whispered and Gerard's heart clenched with concern as he turned to Hayley, his hand reaching out instinctively to support her. "Are you okay, Hayley?" he asked.

Hayley nodded weakly, her grip on Gerard's arm tightening. "It's just a little cramp," she replied, trying to force a reassuring smile. "I'll be fine."

"Let me help you to your seat," he insisted, gently guiding her into the pew beside him and as they settled into their seats, Frank, the pastor, approached them.

Suppressing the urge to reach out to him, Gerard put on a facade of polite detachment, pretending as if they weren't close.

"Good morning, Mr. and Mrs. Way," Frank greeted them with a warm smile, his eyes lingering on Gerard for a moment longer than necessary.

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