Cus I Feel Safe In Your Arms

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The next morning, Frank's eyes fluttered open, his mind still hazy from the drugged tea

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The next morning, Frank's eyes fluttered open, his mind still hazy from the drugged tea. As he tried to move, a sense of dread washed over him. His wrists were bound tightly to the bedpost with soft, but unyielding restraints.

Panic set in as he pulled against the ties, but they held firm. He scanned the room quickly, his heart pounding, searching for Gerard. The space was eerily quiet, and Gerard was nowhere to be seen.

"GERARD!" Frank called out but there was no answer. He tugged harder against the restraints, but they didn't budge. His mind raced, piecing together the fragments of the previous night.

The tea, Gerard's insistence on making it... it all began to make sense. Frank's heart sank as he realized what must have happened.

Frank's thoughts were interrupted by the sound of footsteps echoing from the hallway. He turned his head towards the door, hoping to see Gerard walk through it, hoping that this was all some terrible misunderstanding.

The door creaked open slowly, and Gerard stepped in. "Gerard, what the hell is going on?" Frank demanded and Gerard took a deep breath, avoiding Frank's eyes.

"I'm sorry, Frank," he said softly, his voice barely above a whisper. "I had to do this. I can't live like this anymore. I need to leave."

Frank's eyes widened with shock and hurt. "Leave? You tied me up to leave? Gerard, you can't just run away!"

Tears welled up in Gerard's eyes as he took a step closer to the bed. "I had no choice. You wouldn't let me go if I asked. You... you need help, Frank. And I need to be free."

Frank's anger flared, but it was laced with desperation. "Don't do this, Gerard. We can work through this. We can get help together. Just untie me and let's talk."

Gerard shook his head, his tears now streaming down his face. "I've tried, Frank. But every time I try to leave, you find a way to pull me back. I love you, but this isn't healthy for either of us."

Frank's expression softened as he realized the depth of Gerard's pain. "Please, Gerard. Don't leave me like this. We can find a way to make this work. I need you."

Gerard's resolve wavered, but he steeled himself, knowing this was the only way. "I'm sorry," he repeated, his voice breaking. "I hope you find the help you need."

Frank's eyes widened as Gerard's words sunk in and he pulled harder against the restraints. "Gerard, please, don't go. We can fix this. I can get better. Just don't leave me like this."

Gerard stood at the doorway, his own tears mingling with the sorrow etched on his face and he shook his head. "Frank, you've turned into someone I don't recognize anymore. Someone who scares me. I can't stay here and pretend everything is okay."

Frank's pleading grew more frantic, his voice breaking. "You don't have to be scared. I can change, I promise. Just give me another chance. We can go to therapy, we can... we can do anything, just don't leave."

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