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167 7 1

Third person.

"Mama!? " Menma was startled, he never knew his mama was here not until now. He can easily guess it was the one from his dimension. Long blonde hair, weird whiskers on his cheeks, the Hokage cape and then his ocean blue eyes.

"Menma!? " Naruto shouted. "Menma! Dear! " Naruto said with worries in his tone. Naruto pulled menma in a hug as tight as possible.

"Oh my god... I thought I lost you."Naruto worriedly said as he ruffle menma's hair.

Menma chortled " Ma, do you even know where are we? "Menma ask his confused mother. " Oh yeah I forgot about that, ok so tell me where are we? " Naruto ask his son.

"Uhm so it's very hard to explain ,uhm so we are in Konoha but in another dimension. This whole time I was here, I am currently staying at your other versions house." Menma explain, getting a sarcastic side eye from his mother which is trying to find out if his actually lying or not."Ma, I'm sure I'm not lying"Menma defended himself .

"Of course I'll believe you, I got a letter after I got suck up on a portal... I'm worried about your siblings and your father, I hope they're okay. " Naruto said worried about his family. "A letter? What did it say? " Menma ask.

"Well I have the letter with me so read it." Naruto hand the letter to Menma.

The letter
"Dear mrs. Uchiha, you might be wondering on why you got sucked up on a portal. I highly apologize if you got hurt since your pregnant and I highly hope you didn't. So back to the topic. You got sucked up on the portal which was made by me if your thinking that I'm a bad guy no I'm not. Well you are currently in a different dimension which is very different from yours. I apologized for making you worry about team 7 and Akane for going missing. They are currently in this dimension living with their 'parents' who lives in this dimension. If you think I'm lying try finding your son or go meet the Hokage. " Menma recite the whole letter.

"Well ma, do you wanna meet your other version? " Menma ask his Mama whom has a little bump on his tummy. "Ma, how many months are you again? When are you giving birth? " Menma asks. Naruto sigh "Menma, don't get so worried about it I'm strong and to answer your questions I am currently 2 months old and almost 3 months, and I don't know when I'm giving birth since mine isn't normal it can be anytime after 7 months." His mother explained.

"And yes I'm very excited to meet my other version I hope he's as beautiful as me. "Naruto added with a sarcastic tone. " Well, he isn't that beautiful Ma, He is a bit musculine unlike you you look so feminine oh and his hair is cut short not long like yours."Menma describe and compare the other version of his Mother.

"Oh and also He married Auntie Hina, while dad in this verse is married to Aunt Sakura. Also Kakashi-sensei and Iruka-sensei aren't together."

Naruto look at him with a confused but worried look. Naruto sighed "Sakura should be careful since she's married with Sasuke in this world"

"Why are you so worried about Aunt Sakura? " Menma ask

"Well,to explain that your dad once tried to kill Sakura-chan and almost killed her on the spot, Sakura-chan married Hinata to get over him but fell in love more with her and then etc."

"Dad almost killed Aunt Saku!? That's crazy!" Menma exclaimed as the two got deeper in the conversation. The both of them walk without even knowing what their doing.


Omg guys! We are almost 300 readers😭😭🤭🤭
I feel so proud of myself.
Thank you for liking this stupid shit story 💩💩💩


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