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This won't be a long chapter guys and this shit will be boring.

Menma's pov

I woke up then notice the space next to me, guess Mama woke up before I did.I rub the sleepiness off my eyes as I stood up.

I went to Mama and Aunt Hinata'a closet finding some of their clothes, after looking everywhere around the closet I saw something that caught my eye, it was Mama's clothes when he was the same age as me. I removed my clothes then put the clothes that was own by Mama when he was young.

I went out of the room and when I got out I smell the aroma of delicious pancak-PANCAKES!? Mama nor Dad makes them except for Narumi, Naruko and  Kiyoomi-nee.

I went to the kitchen in a rush to see MAMA!? making pancakes! I never thought he could do it. Even tho it's a easy pastry to make. "E-eh morning Ma." I said as I sat down on the chair.
"Oh good morning Menma. " Mama said before putting a plate of pancakes in front of me.

"Wahhh... I didn't know you could do pancakes you,usually don't make them or probably don't even make them." I said while I start to eat slowly. "Menma, did you forget? " Mama ask as he went back to cook more. "Forget about wha- oh yeah.. "I chortled to myself almosting forgetting the fact that I'm in a different universe.

" Mama, in the note we found before we met the team 7 from this world it says that if we stay here more than a day we will be able to meet Mama!m"I announce as mama looked at me with a 'are you serious? ' face.

"Yeah! But the note is currently with Akane" I got up going to mama. "Ma, is Hima awake? "

"Oh Hima already went to go with Teme and the two, kawaki then went to who knows where." Mama said.

I sigh kawaki-nee is going of to nowhere again, hmm probably seeing a secret lover.

"Mama! I'll be going to see! Mitsuki!" I called out but got a respond. "Okay but after that we will buy you some clothes since you probably need clothes and the also fact that you wearing my clothes" Mama pointed at me who was in fact wearing his clothes when he was a small kid.

"Hm okay!"I said.

Third person

Menma was walking through some streets. 'Guess it's not so different from my dimension'Menma thought while walking through the streets. 'Hmmm.. What should I do? 'Menma though with his hands behind his head. He was getting weird states from others. 'What's wrong with them? Why are they staring at me so weirdly?' Menma ask himself.

After a while of thinking he look down on his clothes. 'Oh so this is why.' Menma thought to himself as he chortled.

Walking another step, he sense a different chakra but very very familiar. Menma his himself in a tree trying to get a glimpse of the person. Menma finally got a glance at the stranger.

" Mam-"




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