Lucas slowly looks down at his small screen on his Holographic watch device, him going to send Sue a message while Eleven talks, him being in his normal attire of a suit and vest, the sleeves to his shirt being rolled up.

Lucas: How is Max doing, mom?

Mom: She's doing good, she's sleeping now.

Lucas is glad that Max has been getting closer to his family. Now she feels comfortable talking with them, especially with Erica. Lucas and Max are married, them deciding they wanted to do a intimate wedding with just close ones invited only, Max not wanting a big wedding, and that is exactly what Lucas gave to her, them getting married a few weeks after he proposed to her.

Since then Max has been talking more with Sue Charles and Erica, her now feeling comfortable to go and spend time with them on her own while Lucas is working. At first she would need Lucas there with her because of her shyness and guarded personality, but since she has grown to trust them and grow closer to them she now feels comfortable to be alone with them.

"So as every monthly body meeting suggests we are here to hear the feedback and suggestions or just kudos of what the Districts and Capitol are saying." Eleven says. " all can start first."

"Well District 1 is especially excited about the Memorial Center. They cannot wait to see it." Victor says.

"Oh yes and speaking of which...." Dustin starts with a big smile.

Lucas smiles more while placing down his thermal bottle holding his fruit and mint water. "Did you and the team get all of the names?"

"We sure did." Dustin smiles more making all of them cheer and clap. "I let the construction team know and they are now working on getting all of the names by each name plate and section. They said estimated time of completion should be in a few weeks since six teams are on it."

"Amazing! That definitely deserves another round of applause." Lucas smiles as he claps, all of them going to clap. "Alright what else?"

"Well I can definitely say that District 7 is loving the kid games and Holographic Games that District 3 has been making." The District 7 Victor says. "Says it keeps their children entertained."

"Okay that's good. What about the Portable watch devices are those working well for businesses quickly communicating with clients and others?" Eleven asks.

"Oh yes very much so." The Victor from 9 says.

"Yes definitely agree."


"I just have one little suggestion or request it really is." The Mayor from 13 says. "Since we had to do a lot of our building surface projects during the cold season my people have a lot of colds and such. Is it okay if some more medicine supplies from 12 can be made and sent over to us? There are a lot more colds and fevers because of the projects."

"Absolutely." Lucas nods his head. "I will send out suppliers to stock you guys up."

"Thank you so much sir."

"No problem." Lucas responds. "Anything else you guys?"

"Just really compliments now." Sean shrugs. "People are just loving their new peaceful lives."

The Madness of Vulturesजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें