Prologue: The New President of Panem

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Summary: The new President of Panem is introduced after a tragic situation.












"Ready or not here I come!" Kali calls out, the ten year old tucking her black hair behind her ears as she begins to look around the large mansion, her leaving out of the ballroom. "Where did you go Eleven?!" She lightly sings.

Eleven giggles to herself, the five year old quickly but quietly running to the living room, her seeing Brenner talking to some doctors, Eleven accidentally bumping into one of them.

"Sorry." Eleven softly says.

"What are you up to Eleven?" Brenner smiles at her.

"Playing hide n seek." Eleven smiles cutely.

"Ah." Brenner goes to crouch down in front of her. "Well, the best place to hide is always upstairs. So many good hiding places." Brenner lightly whispers at her.

"Oh Eleven!"

"Better go on and hide." Brenner goes to stand up.

Eleven giggles as she begins to run quickly but quietly up the stairs, the sounds of her bare feet hitting the cold tiled stairs being heard only by her.

Kali looks all around the living room, her looking behind the couches while Brenner and all of the doctors smile at her, all of them going to sit down at the large circular table across the way.

"Did you all see where she went?" Kali asks.

"Upstairs." One of the doctors say.

Kali slowly nods her head, her looking at all of the doctors around the table. "Is all well?"

"Yes it is my dear." Brenner says. "Continue to play with your sister now, she always has a burst of energy by the day."

"Don't I know it." Kali answers in reply, her going over to the stairs.

"Let's all go to my office." Brenner mentions, all of them going to stand up and go over to the white great doors at the end of the hall.

Kali looks at all of them while they all go to the office door, Brenner being last to go in and him going to close the doors.

Kali goes to slowly tip toe over to the door, her going to put her ear against the door, both hands being on either side of her.

"It needs to happen tonight, he is getting to daring."

"To just him or to your two daughters as well?"

"All of them, for protection."

Kali furrows her eyebrows lightly, her slowly going to leave away from the door.

Eleven quietly walks down the long hall, her seeing the opened room door straight ahead of her. She smiles softly as she sees Henry, the eighteen year olds back being turned to her as his posture is upright sitting on the floor of his room.

Eleven slowly comes closer to the room, her hearing the sound of a squirrel squealing in pain, her slowly coming inside of the room. Her eyes lightly widen when she sees a squirrel in front of Henry, it trying to fight it's way out of Henry's grasp, Henry's eyes being closed.

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