Kiss (Jules Vaughn)

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Y/N and Jules have been friends for a while now. One day when they are hanging out in Jule's room, they kiss. Y/N avoids Jules afterward despite the blonde's repeated texts until one day, she shows up on Jule's doorstep.

"Hey Mr. Vaughn," Y/N greets as the door swings open.

"Hi Y/N. I'm about to head out, but Jules is upstairs. Go right on up," The man smiles.  

Y/N and Jules have been friends since Jules moved into town about six months ago. They do everything together and one is rarely seen without the other. Y/N, whose rich parents are often out of town, is often over at the Vauhn's place and sleeps over a lot. 

Y/N slips off her shoes before heading upstairs. The door to Jule's room is open. The tall blonde smiles as she sees Y/N, bouncing off the bed and hugs Y/N.

"Hi!" Jules grins.

"Hey there," Y/N replies, blushing. She's had a crush on Jules since the blonde moved into town but has not had the guts to tell her. 

"Want to watch a movie?" Jules asks.

Y/N agrees, so the pair sit on Jule's bed. The blonde grabs her laptop and opens up Hulu, hitting "play" on the movie, Crush. Y/N's attention soon drifts from the movie to Jules. God, she has such a huge crush on this girl. 

"What you staring for?" Jules questions as she turns to face Y/N, feeling the girl's eyes on her.

"I just..." Y/N stutters before just deciding to go for it. 

She cups the blonde's cheek and kisses her softly. The blonde tangles her hands in Y/N's hair. Truth be told, Jules has also had a crush on Y/N since the pair met at a party not long after Jules moved into town. Suddenly, Y/N breaks the kiss, eyes widening with fear. Before Jules can say anything, Y/N is rushing out of the house, closing the door behind her, leaving Jules sitting on the bed, stunned at what just happened.


It's been a week since the kiss. Jules has been texting Y/N nonstop but has gotten no answer. The girl avoids Jules at school and needless to say, has been strangely absent from the Vaughn's house, which of course, Mr. Vaughn notices, but his daughter just says Y/N is out of town. Jules sighs as she flops onto her bed, reading over the unanswered texts:

Hi. You up?

Y/N, please. We need to talk.

Are you ok?

Y/N I know you're avoiding me.

Y/N/N, please answer me. I just want to know you're ok.

Suddenly, there is a knock at the door. Jules goes downstairs and opens it to reveal Y/N. The girl is standing there, hands in her pockets, looking determined yet terrified. Jules just stands there staring before moving to the side and ushering Y/N in.

"Why did you disappear on me? You scared me to death, Y/N!" Jules asks, trying not to raise her voice.

"Because I have feelings for you. I kissed you and messed everything up," Y/N sighs.

"You didn't! I kissed you back, dumbass. I like you too, by the way," Jules replies.

"Oh," Y/N answers.

"Yes, oh.

"...So, want to go on a date with me?" Y/N asks.

"Only if you never ghost me again" Jules nods, blushing.

"Deal," Y/N smirks.

As she leans in to kiss the blonde once more, she's thankful that she finally got the nerves to face Jules and is looking forward to planning the most extravagant, romantic date possible for Jules. 


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