Protocol (Maya Bishop)

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Maya breaks protocol during a five-alarm fire to save Y/N.

Maya is standing anxiously outside of the burning factory. Chief Ripley is in charge (A/N Ripley lives because I like him more than Ross) so Maya is under his command. She has been in charge of triage for the factory workers pulled out of the burning factory. Vic is also on triage with her, Warren, and several other firefighters from different stations. 

She can hear the radio chatter and has been listening closely as not only are Travis, Warren, Jack, and Andy in the factory, but Y/N is in there as well. Y/N is Maya's longtime girlfriend. They have been dating for three years ever since they met at an SFD barbeque. Y/N is a lieutenant and works at Station 15. The blonde knows 15 is good and solid and Y/N's crew has her back, but she is still worried. Station 15's crew has been paired up with 19's, which makes Maya feel a bit better. 

Suddenly, she hears a huge noise as part of the building collapses. She hears Ripley immediately trying to make contact. Everybody inside responds that they are okay except Y/N, Andy, and Station 15's probie, Duval. After what seems like forever, Andy comes across the radio. 

"Duval and I are fine. Y/L/N's pinned down under a beam and we can't lift it by ourselves. She's in and out of consciousness," Andy radios.

Before anyone can say anything, Maya is gearing up, prepared to enter the building. She ignores Ripley's orders to stand down and instead radios Andy for their location. Andy gives it, knowing there is no stopping Maya. It seems like forever to those waiting outside until the four emerge, supporting Y/N's limp body between them. As they load Y/N onto a stretcher and into the ambulance, Maya's mind isn't on how much trouble she could be in, but on whether her girlfriend is going to be alright.


Y/N has a moderate concussion and two broken legs. The legs requires surgery. It seems like hours before Maya is informed that Y/N is going to be alright. The Captain sends her team home after, knowing they need some rest after a long, grueling 24 hours shift. Cheif Ripley has been waiting as well as he always does when one of his firefighters is hurt and approaches the blonde fire Captain.

"Cheif," Maya greets. She knows she's in trouble. She did disobey orders, after all. 

"Captain Bishop. Look, I have to suspend you for a week so it looks like you were punished. But between you and me, I would have done the same if it were Vic in there," The chief shrugs, "Now go see Y/L/N." 

"I understand. Thank you, Cheif," Maya nods. 

The chief leaves and Maya goes to see her girlfriend. Y/N is still asleep in her hospital bed. She has an IV in her hand and huge casts on her legs. Other than that, there are some minor scrapes and bruises. Y/N is lucky. It could have been much worse. The blonde sighs as she takes a seat beside Y/N. This isn't the first time one of them has landed in the hospital due to their dangerous job, but this is by far the worst. Y/N begins to stir as she feels Maya take her hand. 

"Mm. Where am I? Maya?" Y/N asks, voice groggy from the anesthesia. 

"Hey. You're at Grey Sloan. You got pinned down by a beam. You have a concussion and two broken legs. You'll need some PT, but you're going to be okay," Maya soothes.

"Dam. That sucks. Everyone else ok?" Y/N questions.

"Some minor burns and smoke inhalation, but no civilian or firefighter casualties. You look exhausted, babe. Get some sleep, ok?" Maya replies.

"Mk. I love you," Y/N yawns.

"I love you too. Sleep, Y/N/N," Maya smiles.

The blonde kisses Y/N's forehead lovingly. As she watches over the sleeping woman, Maya is just thankful that Y/N is going to be alright and that she'll get the chance to use the ring she has hidden away in her dresser drawer.  She just hopes that Y/N says yes. 

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