Alice (Wynonna Earp)

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Y/N and Wynonna have been dating for a month but have been in love for years. Both were too scared of ruining their friendship. After discovering she is pregnant from a one-night stand with a random guy (before they got together), Y/N helps Wynonna raise Alice. Snippets.

Wynonna groans as the sound of cries comes through the baby monitor. She glances over at Y/N, her girlfriend, who's also stirring. Y/N opens her eyes and sighs before getting out of bed. Since Alice was born a few weeks ago, the two have been switching off who gets up when the baby awakens. Y/N exits the room and heads to the nursery where she picks up a fussy Alice. The baby is the spitting image of Wynonna. 

"Hey there, baby, what's the matter? You hungry?" Y/N coos, heading to the kitchen with the baby in her arms, and grabs an already-prepped bottle, placing it in the bottle warmer.

Y/N heads back to the bedroom and sits on the bed. Alice grunts as she drinks the formula happily. Wynonna smiles at her girlfriend and daughter. Y/N's such a good mom to Alice. 

"She eats like you," Y/N jokes.

"Rude," Wynonna scoffs.

The baby grunts some more. 

"Okay fine. She eats like me," Wynonna sighs, causing Y/N to laugh.


"Alice no! You don't have any clothes on!" Wynonna sighs as the 9-month-old crawls away from her, wearing only a diaper. 

She has been bathed and diapered but crawled away before her mom could put a sleeper on her. The baby heads towards the kitchen where she is scooped up by Y/N, who is overseeing dinner. The baby giggles happily.

"You little stink! Your mommy's just trying to make sure you're all ready for bed," Y/N mock scolds.

"I see the criminal has been caught," Wynonna states as she comes in with a sleeper with police cars all over it, which was a gift from Needly. 

"I will call Nicole and have this little one arrested for public indecency," Y/N replies, handing over the baby.

"Sounds good. Ok, Alice. Time to get dressed. Mommy always wins," Wynonna chuckles as she wrestles the baby into her sleeper.


"Say 'mommy get up! I'm one!'" Y/N coaxes as she sets the newly one-year-old baby on the bed beside her half-awake mother.

Wynonna yawns and opens her eyes. She smiles at Alice, who is sitting on the bed, clapping her hands and gurgling. Wynonna can't believe she's one already. It seems like just yesterday she was born, screaming bloody murder and kicking her little legs like crazy.

"Good morning, Alice! Are you ready to party? Wynonna asks, picking up the baby and bouncing her on her lap. Alice gurgles happily, patting her mother's face. 

"Waverly said she's on her way with Nicole and a ton of party decorations," Y/N states.

"She's gone overboard, hasn't she?" Wynonna questions.

"You know it. She's Waverly," Y/N chuckles.

"Yeah, she is. Okay, kid. Let's go get some breakfast." Wynonna agrees.

As she watches Y/N take the baby and kiss her all over her little face, Wynonna smiles. She's so lucky to be able to call Y/N hers. Even though Alice isn't hers biologically, that baby girl is Y/N's. Y/N was there throughout every step of the pregnancy and birth, even cutting the cord. Paperwork was done to give Y/N parental rights. She's raised Alice and been an amazing mother to her as well as a great girlfriend to Wynonna. Wynonna knows she's incredibly lucky.

"What?" Y/N asks as she notices Wynonna looking at her lovingly.

"Nothing, I love you," Wynonna shrugs.

"I love you too. Now, we have a party to get ready for!"

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