Chapter 1: Little Surprise

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It had been about three months since Airy had been living in this strange forest-like place. After he died, and being stuck in the waiting room for quite a long time, he decided to live here. It was a pretty peaceful place, during the day he'd hear the birds tweeting, and at night, there would be crickets chirping. Quite a wonderful sound. Plus, there was a waterfall nearby, and it was pretty soothing to listen to. There was also a cave with a computer, as well as several tiny planets inside.

Airy had been slowly figuring out how to work with the computer and planets. He wasn't really sure what he'd do once he figured it all out. He did however, manage to build himself a little house/cabin, finally finishing it today. He had collected reeds, using them for bedding. He would basically do this on a regular basis, wake up, work on the computer, find food, collect reeds, and sleep, repeat. It seemed a bit tedious doing the same things alone, but Airy had gotten used to it.

However...that would change one day...

One day, after finishing up with the planet, which had gotten a bit bigger, Airy walked out of the cave towards his cabin. Looking over, he noticed he was short on berries, so he decided he'll go out and pick some more. 'Might even collect some more reeds while I'm at it..', he thought. Picking up his little bowl, he stepped outside, stopping for a moment, breathing in the fresh air. He exhaled, then made his way over to the forest. As he was wandered through the woods, admiring the scenery, he stopped, when he heard a sound.

It sounded like.....crying? No, that can't be right, he's the only one here!

Airy decided to investigate the crying sound, walking closer to where it was supposedly coming from, the sound getting a bit louder. Eventually, he was close, and he gasped a little, finding the source of the sound...

There, in the grass, was a small baby with rather shiny blue hair!

Airy quickly ran over, kneeling down, setting his bowl onto the ground. Very gently, he picked up the baby, examining it to make sure it wasn't hurt. Luckily, there were no injuries. The baby continued to wail, and Airy was unsure of what to do. He had no experience taking care of children, yet alone babies. He knew he had to do something, but what?! Then, he got an idea. He brought the baby close to his chest, gently rocking it in his arms. He wasn't sure if this was working, but noticed that the baby was starting to stop crying, small hiccups escaping from it's mouth. Airy couldn't believe it, he was doing it!

He continued rocking, occasionally shushing the baby as well. Finally, the baby had calmed down, falling asleep. Airy smiled, as he looked down at the baby, it looked so peaceful sleeping. He then went over to the bushes, quickly picking berries, while still holding the baby, then walking back to his cabin. Setting the bowl down on the table, he sat down onto his wooden bed, looking down at the sleeping baby, it's tiny chest going up and down. The coated man was unsure of how the baby even got here. Upon further inspection, the baby was a girl. He wasn't sure if he should raise this baby, but considering he was the only other person here, he didn't really have a choice.

He couldn't let this baby die anyway, so Airy decided he'll do his best at raising her. He'd make a crib-like bed for her soon enough, but in the meantime, he laid down onto his bed, holding the baby close to his chest. He smiled down at her, softly stroking her head.

"Sweet dreams....little one..", he muttered, before drifting off to sleep.

So yeah, end of first chapter. Second chapter is already finished, and I'll make sure to update this as much as I can. I'll also post some art here, because I've drawn some pics of this AU on my DA. I also forgot to mention that the characters are humanized here..

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