Chapter 26

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September 2021

When Zach walks into the Country Club and the moment everyone shouts "surprise," he's genuinely shocked. He releases a full-bellied laugh, and his parents hug him instantly - happy to see him and pleased that their surprise was perfectly executed. He looks really good, way too good for someone who was under the impression he was coming to the Country Club for a round of golf with Reggie. He's wearing golf shorts, a black golf shirt, and a golf bag slung over his shoulder. His hair is meticulously styled; to my surprise, he's grown a decent beard. Seeing Zach for the first time, in person after a whole year, is taking my brain a little time to catch up to my heart, which is currently jackhammering away beneath my breastbone.

The banquet room is filled with people from all aspects of Zach's life, including various family, friends, hockey coaches, teammates, and acquaintances. I chose to stand in the far right corner during Zach's entrance, hoping to fade into the background and allow him time to converse with other guests. I'm hopelessly nervous in a way I've never felt before. 

It doesn't take more than a breath, though, for Zach's eyes to find mine through the crowd. Everything seems to come to a standstill, my body momentarily on hiatus for that brief moment our eyes connect, and I know he's spotted me. Zach looks like he can't decide if he wants to envelop me in a hug or give me a noogie, but thankfully, he doesn't have to make that decision because his mom whisks him off to greet his grandparents, and our gaze finally breaks.  

As the party continues, Zach is preoccupied and greeted non-stop during all aspects of the night. I keep a low profile and mingle mainly with Cece Bridget and my mom, who drove down with me to attend Zach's surprise party. I busy myself by helping Darla with the catering department, entertaining Zach's twin nieces Ginger and Georgia, helping to take pictures of guests, and even assisting the DJ at one point, even though I know nothing about audio and visual equipment.

When I look up from the DJ booth, I see Darla talking to Zach across the room, and then he slowly looks at me. His lips parted, and his eyes dropped to my mouth. He walks over to me like a man on a mission, and I feel my heart lodge somewhere in my throat.

"Hey, you," he says quietly. "I, um..." he laughs, and seeing him nervous does wiggly, protective things to me. "I heard you, um, helped plan all this."

I feel myself blushing. "Darla and your parents did most of the planning," I say, trying to diminish my contribution to the party. "My main job was just to make sure you got here on time. Hence, Reggie rushed you here for a round of golf since you're chronically late to everything."

He laughs. "How shocked was everyone expecting me to be late, but then you miraculously managed to have Reggie roll me in on time?"

"Yeah, the thing is, I told Reggie he had to get you to the Country Club for six o'clock to give some leeway and ensure you were here for seven o'clock."

"You did?"

"I did."

He tries to wrestle his smile under control, but I can see how much this exchange lights him up inside. "Well, regardless of what you did or didn't plan, thank you. It means a lot to me."

I try to pretend it doesn't do the same to me. "Yeah, of course."

I turn and glare at Cece, eavesdropping on our conversation and watching us intently, but she won't meet my eyes. She pretends to be engrossed in something on a napkin.

"It's really good to see you again, kid. It's been way too long," he says and turns to follow my eyes to Cece, eavesdropping. "Promise you'll find me for gin and tonic later, okay? I need to keep making my rounds with guests." He glances back at me, eyes adoringly wide.

Everything in BetweenOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant