Chapter 30//The picture

Start from the beginning

Michael struggled to get out of the sand we piled on top of him.

"I need help." Michael struggled calling out.

"I'll save you." Daniel jumped up and started freeing Michael by taking some of the sand off him.

"I'm free!" Michael bellowed in victory as Daniel took his arms and pulled him out of the sand.

The sun started setting and it was getting darker. We decided to make a fire outside and cook marshmallows with it.
Ashton, Calum, Dan and Phil went to search for logs of wood we could sit on.
They came back with two big logs, placing them around the fire.

"There was two more back there so we're going to get them." Calum smiled running back to the others who've already started walking back.

And they had two more big logs.
Michael tried to start the fire with two wooden sticks.

"You're doing it wrong." Luke smirked watching Michael closely.

"Shut up Luke." Michael responded getting frustrated with the fire.

"Here let me do it." Luke shoved Michael out of the way, and started rubbing them together a small spark flickered.
Luke gave Michael a smug look.

"I could've done that if you let me try." Michael said in his defence.

"Yeah sure." Luke continued rubbing the two sticks together until another spark sparked and started the fire.
We roasted marshmallows all night. It was such a fun night with laughs and stories, and ended with Michael running after Calum, who stole his marshmallow. All of us started to get tired and decided to go to bed. I hugged and said goodnight to everyone. Calum was going to tuck us in tonight.

"Goodnight my little Lucy." He stroked my hair and kissed my forehead. "Uncle Dan and Phil are leaving tomorrow." He whispered.

"No!" Me and Josh said together.
I didn't want them to leave. "Why?" I asked confused why they're leaving so soon.

"Because they have a job they have to get back to, being youtubers and they can't be getting caught up in all this mess. It was nice having them on the road with us but it's time for them to go back home." He explained.

"But where are they going to stay? If those horrible men know where they live?" I asked remembering that night when those men attacked their house.

"They have an apartment in Brighton beside Alfie and Zoe their youtuber friends."

"Alfie as in Alfie Deyes?" I asked excitedly I love Alfie more then anything.

"Yeah they're close friends, but we can talk about that in the morning it's time for bed." Calum insisted tucking me in. "Goodnight I love you." He stroked my hair.

"I love you too Cal pal." I giggled.

He chuckled tickling my toes.

"Goodnight buddy." Calum said to Josh and tucked him in.

"Sleep tight guys." Calum whispered closing the door. 

Calum's POV:

Now the little ones are asleep.

"I wish you were still alive we need help Dylan." I whispered to a picture of Dylan Quinn.
Lucy's father.

Lucy's POV:

Calum closed the door I jumped out of bed and opened the door just a little bit. Calum was holding a picture of a man. He whispered quietly but I could still hear him.

"I wish you were still alive we need help Dylan."

He put the picture on the table in the sitting room.
I closed the door quickly but quietly and ran back to back not making a sound.

"What's wrong?" Josh asked.

"Do you know who Dylan is?" I asked fear in my voice.

"No why?"

"Because Calum was talking to a picture of him I think he's dead."

"Really? Wow I never knew Calum talked to dead people." Josh responded.

"No he doesn't, he knew him before he died."

"But how?"

"I don't know, but we need to find out."

I stayed up most of the night until I was certain everyone was asleep. I climbed over Josh trying not to wake him up. I tried to be as quiet as I could opening the door slowly. I could see the picture on the table. I looked around making sure nobody was awake or standing around. Quickly I tip-toed to the table, lifted the picture up in my hands and tip-toed back to my room.
I closed the door with my back to it. I examined the small picture in my hand. It was dark the only light I had was the moonlight creeping in through the window.
I took one look at the picture. I froze.
It was a picture of a happy family.
A man and a woman standing beside each other smiling obviously the mother and father. The father is holding a baby wrapped in a blanket. Beside the mother is a boy around seven years old with bright ginger hair. They're standing in front of a house, it looks like it was a very sunny day.
Is this my family? I thought, the boy has bright red hair just like mine. So is that me? The small baby the father is holding?


Authors note: YAYYY  I'm currently on holidays for 6 weeks but I'll still be updating:) I love you guys!!

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