Spider vs Spider Part 2

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Finally you saw him. He was standing off to one side, sword held low as he watched his opponent's every move, calm, calculating. Then, just as he was about to be swallowed by the mass of spiderlings he took off, his coat billowing out behind him. Holding your breath you saw him disappear under the bulk of the giant, the myriad of smaller spiders following and closing in once more.

In a last attempt to destroy its tiny, but menacing attacker the spider pulled its legs close to its body once more, lowering its body to the ground. You had no idea if it was capable of thinking, or if it perhaps was led by pure instinct, but its intention was clear. In an attempt to crush the enemy under its impressive weight, it went lower and lower...

'Fei,' you screamed, starting toward them just as the huge body burst into a myriad of little blue orbs, shining bright in the weak light. The spiderlings and the web covering the ground had vanished together with the giant spider, and you could finally see him. Feitan was down on one knee, his sword still firmly in his hand, the other reaching up to catch the single card falling gently toward the ground.

'Are you hurt?' You reached him just as his fingers grasped the card and he said 'book'.

'No, I no hurt,' he held out the card so you could see it. Queen of Spiders it said, and the image on it was of a fanged monstrosity that looked far more vicious than the one Fei had just beaten. He stiffly got to his feet, a hand pressed against his chest and you raised an eyebrow at him.

'Thought you said you weren't hurt. How many ribs did you break this time?'

'No too many,' he said as he placed the card in his book and closed it with a snap.

As if on cue, there was a clap of thunder, and heavy raindrops fell on you, making dark spots on the dry ground. Seconds later thunder rolled again, bolts of lightning crossed the darkened skies and the rain turned into a heavy downpour.

'Come.' Feitan grabbed your arm and you sprinted to the cave, eager to get out of the rain.

The spider's lair was dark, the ground a soft sand with plenty of twigs and leaves scattered around the opening. If there had been any webs, they'd disappeared when the spider was defeated and there were no visible traces of it ever having been there. At least it was dry, you thought as you watched the rain hammer down outside. It was almost like a solid wall pouring down the opening, like a door made out of running water.

'If this was a normal video game this cave would be filled with loot.' You looked around curiously, but the space remained annoyingly loot-free, not a single chest in sight. Feitan chuckled as he too looked around.

'Yeah. Kill boss usually give good stuff. At least we get good card.'

'I know it wasn't real, just a boss in a game, still it felt a bit sad that we had to kill it.' You went closer to him and opened his coat, slipped your hands under his t-shirt, and quietly whispered 'x-ray'.

'Sad?' He sounded genuinely puzzled.

'Yeah, you know that I have a thing for spiders,' you smiled as you finished healing the last of his cracked ribs, turned off x-ray, and reached up to touch his cheek instead. 'I like them. Not to mention that I love one very special spider in particular. Very much.'

He huffed, 'You so soft,' but you'd seen the pleased smile that flashed by his face before it returned to its normal grumpier look.

'This one'll probably respawn again soon, so we probably should leave before it does. But I guess we can wait for the rain to stop though.'

'We have time. Doubt it respawn before tomorrow. Probably days until it back.'

You both sat down and Feitan pushed some dry twigs, leaves, and branches together in a pile, produced a lighter from somewhere on his person and soon had a small fire going. The sudden rain had turned the air decidedly chilly, and the warmth from the fire was welcome. Suddenly feeling exhausted you leaned against him and he put an arm around you, the other using a long stick to poke the fire, sending a cluster of sparks into the air and making shadows dance around the walls.

'Remember tiny spider you heal? Before first date?' he asked, and you smiled at him. So now it was a "date"? Until now he'd insisted it was "a job" whenever someone had teased him about it.

'Of course,' you said. 'I loved everything about that evening, so of course I remember. You joked about it being like a tattoo.' He nodded.

'Danchou soon fight Hisoka, so your trial finish. Where you want Troupe tattoo? You think about?'

You blinked, no, you really hadn't thought about that. Not at all. Your joining the Troupe, officially, still felt more than a little surreal. So where did you want it? It should probably be somewhere it would be easy to keep hidden.

'I'm not sure,' you admitted. 'Perhaps on my back? Or here?' You placed your hand on your chest just under your breast.

'Both good,' he approved. 'Also thigh is good.' His hand settled high up on your leg, giving it a little squeeze. Then, dark eyes glittering behind his hair he suggested, 'Or buttcheek. Also good option.'

You were almost certain that he was joking, but that didn't stop your cheeks from growing warm. The fact that his other hand went around you, pulling at your top to get it off didn't help either.

'Fei,' you said, looking around. Despite the merrily burning fire, the cave wasn't exactly inviting... but he just winked at you, one hand digging into a pocket and emerging holding a black marker pen.

'Maybe we try out a few spots?' he suggested as his other hand, with a bit of help from you, succeded in getting your top off.

'Really? A trial tattoo?' You giggled as his fingers trailed along your ribs, tickling you. 'Well, perhaps that is a good idea. You're the expert after all.'

'I am.' He pulled you onto his lap and popped the lid off the pen. 'Where you want start?'

'You can choose. It's okay. I trust you.'

'Good.' He gave you a quick kiss, then settled for a spot and raised the pen. 'You no move.'

  ~ * ~  

Feitan x Reader; Tangled in a Web of SpidersUnde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum