Of course Nifsara wouldn't be ticked off because Ayda threw a coat at her. Ayda had insulted Nifsara for days but she didn't frown once. It was driving Ayda mad but no matter how angry she was, she had to admit that no matter how rude she was, it wasn't working.

Ayda would have loved to just hit Nifsara but she had to think clearly. It would only be a waste of energy to hit Nifsara if that didn't anger her at all in the end. Ayda had to give up on getting mad at Nifsara and had to think of another plan. It seemed that being ungrateful didn't help. But then what could she do? Anyone would be angry if the person they helped didn't thank them. Nifsara was the only fool that still looked at Ayda with worried eyes:

"You should go back to your room and get changed.

-I'm fine here."

Nifsara sat down in front of Ayda:

"Do you like trees that much?


-We should go in now but we could come back here tomorrow if you want.

-Don't talk to me as if I'm a child.

-I will. Once you stop behaving like one."

Nifsara's smirk made Ayda frown. She felt the anger take over her body but she stopped at the last second. She breathed a few times to calm down. After having slept a bit, her head was a lot clearer and she forced herself to calm down. Nifsara wouldn't hate her anyway, no matter how much she screamed at her. She even seemed amused the more Ayda was pouting.

Seeing Ayda so silent, Nifsara stood up before extending her hand towards her:

"I'll escort you back."

Ayda stood up but ignored Nifsara's hand. As she was walking back to her room, she realized that she had the wrong approach. No matter how angry Ayda was, she had to do it differently if she wanted Nifsara to hate her. Ayda felt like she had tried everything at that point and had no idea what to do next.

The next day, she decided to ask those around Nifsara what she hated. Who would know that better than the people who worked for her? Ayda could continue throwing things at Nifsara forever hoping that someday she would finally get angry or she could be smarter and win time and just try getting to know her. Ayda would have preferred a quicker and easier approach but she had to admit that she had no other choice.

Nifsara had a very busy schedule. She woke up way before Ayda because by the time Ayda was up, Nifsara had already eaten and was sparring with other knights. They were the ones she spent the most time with and Ayda knew that they were the ones she had to question. It wasn't hard finding knights in Nifsara's mansion. In fact, Ayda walked into one as soon as she left her room:


The knight jumped hearing Ayda walk up to her. To them she was the sick girl who had been having breakdowns day and night. She must have looked crazy to them and the knight didn't seem very calm at the idea of being alone with the weird girl.

"What can I help you with Madame?

-Do you have time right now? I have a few questions about Nifsara."

The knight flinched hearing Ayda call the best knight of their generation by her first name. However, it seemed Nifsara already told them that it was fine because he didn't say anything. Ayda knew that the knights loved Nifsara and if she wanted them to like her and help her, she had to pretend that she did too. She immediately started playing with her fingers:

"You see... I was very sick and Nifsara was the only person who helped me. I had a very hard time with my disease and I feel terrible about how I treated her. I just am not used to people helping me and I didn't know how to react. But now I see that she just wanted to help and I want to thank her. But I have no idea what to do."

The knight's demeanor immediately changed. He ate up Ayda's lies and his entire body relaxed:

"You don't have to worry Madame! Lady Brack would never be mad at someone for behaving in some way while they were sick. Her heart is way too pure to do such things."

Ayda sighed:

"I am so relieved. Thank you so much. I just don't want her to hate me..."

Ayda must have been amazing at playing the fragile woman because the knight started panicking:

"Why would she hate you?

-I don't know... I am just terrified that after everything that happened she hates me.

-I am sure that she doesn't. Lady Brack never hated anyone."

Ayda rolled her eyes when the knight couldn't see. Of course the hero wouldn't hate anyone.

"Could you please tell me what she hates? Just to make sure that I don't do such things."

The knight quickly nodded:

"She hates clingy people. And people that can't make up their minds. She really likes when people are honest and straightforward. And she really hates slow people too."

Ayda took notes.

"Thank you!"

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