I... I wished I could believe him...

"It's all right," Captain said, and gently took my hand in his. "I... I didn't want you to find out about it. Not like this, anyway... I'm really sorry about that."

"I'm sorry... It's my fault..." Reid muttered.

"It's all right," Captain told him, but he still watched me.

No one said anything in a while after that. Captain just stayed silent and caressed my hand slowly and soothingly. Reid's hand had never stopped moving on my shoulder. And... little by little... I felt calmer. My omega was slowly starting to feel better since it was clear nothing bad was going to happen. It just enjoyed the attention.

And eventually... I peered up at Captain. His smile immediately turned brighter, and he squeezed my hand gently, but said nothing. He still just sat there... Like that was all he wanted to do at that moment... I looked at our hands, and I focused on his touch. It was such a gentle touch... Warm and soothing...

There were no questions. No pressure to talk. They both let me stay silent and rest.

No one was forcing me to deal with it...

I shifted a little, making myself comfortable under Reid's arm. When I settled down, Reid hugged me gently, then continued caressing my shoulder. Now they knew I wasn't shut down, and still, they didn't try to make me talk.

So I really didn't... have to deal with it...? They really didn't want me to talk about it...?

I let out a slow breath and carefully rubbed my cheek against Reid's shoulder. He hugged me again and held me for a moment before he relaxed his arm and continued caressing me.

"That's a good boy..." Captain murmured gently. "All is well now. You'll see."

I nodded a little, then let out a deeper breath. I still had my doubts, but... at least the fear wasn't strangling me anymore. And it was easier to think now. It was easier to let myself think I guess... I never gave myself any time to let it all sink in. What I heard on the news. What Captain did. He...

What did he do...?

"He's a soccer dad to us. We're his boys. Gives us everything we want and does everything he can for us. But out there? To everyone else? He's a fucking psycho killer."

I could still remember what Reid told me about Captain.

A psycho killer...

Did he really do all those things...? I could suddenly see the person I'd called my mom, but... I couldn't really picture her without an eye and guts around her neck... And what was that about castration with a power drill? But maybe it was better if I didn't think about any of that... But if it was true...

Captain did it for me. Because of the things they put me through growing up.

"Is it true that they found more omegas?" I whispered, and got spooked by my own raspy voice. I cleared my throat and tried not to let myself get too caught up in my thoughts. "That they are free now?"

"It's true," Captain said quietly. "They are at the hospital now. They are being taken good care of."

I nodded and curled tighter around Reid. "Are they...? No, they're not all right..."

Of course they weren't all right after having to go through a hell like that... And the youngest was only fifteen years old... Barely old enough to carry... And the oldest...

I forgot to breathe when I realized it... The oldest was old enough... No... No, no, no... Impossible. Not after twenty-six years. No one could survive that long as a broodmare. They had to be dead already if it was the place where I... where I...

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