Ryujin fully broke down. Her sobbing filled the room and everyone was just staring at her in shock.

She usually isn't a girl that shows many emotions. Many people see her as the cool, mature woman, who never has to cry or be afraid.

Seeing her like this just didn't match. But maybe Wooyoung just didn't know her that well..

"Heyy, don't cry Ryu", even the usually composed Hongjoon seemed to be a little overwhelmed by the situation, "San just- ugh how do I put this, doesn't have many-"

"friends?", Yoongi asked, sarcastically

"-People that care about him, I wanted to say. Ryu, you're probably the most important person to him, you know? I think it's just hard for him to accept that you won't be around forever"

"Also he's a bitch"

"Min Yoongi, shut your mouth!"


"You know, in my opinion you should just give him some time to think about all this. And when he's ready, he'll call you. Believe me or not but I know San. And I know that he could never delete a single picture of you guys. Remember that karaoke selfie you guys took a few years ago? That's still his lock screen so don't worry too much", Hongjoon warmly smiled at her, which actually worked.

Ryujin chuckled and wiped away her tears, "You're probably right, it's just... Ugh, he's really important to me"

Hongjoon nodded understandingly and gave her a little pat on the back.

Wooyoung was lost in thoughts. How could he say something like that to her on the phone? Weren't they like best friends or something?
He huffed, I would never treat Felix like that, what a dick.

"Well..", Ryujin turned her attention to him again, seeming allot more collected than just a few moments ago.

"Jimin, Wooyoung. I'm sorry guys", she sighed, "I'm not sure if you're the right fit for this team. It's not like San has the right to decide who'll be the new managers but it's you two who would have to get along with his temper"

"I don't have a problem with him. I'm sure he'll warm up to me sooner or later! Suga here also didn't like me at first but now he's calm like a kitten", Jimin beamed, proudly smiling at the older.

Ryujin nodded hesitantly before turning to Wooyoung. She looked him up and down and raised an eyebrow.

"Well... Even though it seems like he doesn't like me that much-"

"He doesn't? Omg, I didn't even notice"

"Yoongi I told you to-"

"It's okay, I know. BUT, I promise I'll make it work somehow! I always wanted to be a manager"

I never wanted to be a manager

"And I'm really good at understanding people's feelings and needs"

I most definitely am not

"Also San and I have a special connection to another so it'll work out in the end"

We literally don't

"I'm sure it will work out just fine!"

I'm fucked

Ryujin stared at me for a little longer before slowly nodding. "At least I'm not here to witness it if It doesn't work out", she sighed.

"You know, I'm a fan of drama and all but can we practice now please? I have places to be.", Mingi suddenly interrupted, looking rather unimpressed by the conversation.

Wooyoung frowned as the whole team started moving, everyone getting themselves a ball.

Was this a good idea? In fact, he knew nothing about the sport, except for that San looked hot playing it.
But hey, wasn't that all that mattered?



"Man, what did that meat do to you to be beat up like that? We're just grilling, it's not that deep...", Seonghwa stared at his friend blankly.

San sighed. Why was he getting so worked up over this anyway? It's not like he could change anything about the situation.

"You're right, it's not that deep. Ryujin is just moving out of the fucking country."

"Ah, Germany, right? Yeah, I heard the school is really popu-"

"You knew?", San stilled.

The older raised an eyebrow, slightly tilting his head to the side, "You didn't?"

San's jaw clenched tightly.

He let go of the raw meat and aggressively slipped off the grilling gloves, carelessly throwing them onto the counter before grabbing his wallet and angrily leaving the dorm.

San was beyond pissed.

He walked out of the campus, heading towards his car. A million thoughts raced his mind as he started the engine.

How come nobody opened their fucking mouth and told him?

How come Ryujin accepted going to Germany?

How come Seonghwa knew about this? They don't even talk to each other!

How come she invited Pinkie to be the new manager?!

He's literally-

No. Why am I even thinking about him.
He's no one.

San stopped at the nearest Soju Bar and parked his car. He quickly found a corner seat and ordered four bottles of Soju in his four favorite flavors.

San began drinking.

"Why would she- no, HOW COULD she make this decision without me?", he whispered to himself.

No matter how much he drank, he couldn't shut off the thoughts that were inside him.

Ryujin promised to not leave me.

We wanted to move in together after college.

She told me to study hard, so that we could work together later.

She said she won't leave.

Ji said she would never-

she would never-

San took a shot

Ji would never...

And another

Why would she..

And another

Leave me?

The bottles were empty.

...I don't want to be alone again.

...to be continued


Soon you'll be able to understand our rude little San a lot better.

Also, San and Wooyoung will, starting from chapter 10, have a lot more to do with each other.

Stay tuned and don't forget to vote and comment!!

Love you guys, see you next time!!!

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