One-sided Love

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I laid in my bed, staring blankly at the ceiling.

Every day feels the same.

I just feel drained and detached.

I could feel myself slowly returning to my old life.

Ofcourse I would.

The only person who brought me out of my misery-

Jisoo, she's not even speaking to me anymore.

The last time we spoke, she said that she liked me too.

Since then, she has ignored me in every way possible.

I reached out for my phone and checked my messages.

There are none, as usual.

With a heavy sigh I tossed it aside and continued staring.

I suddenly felt my bed vibrating.

My phone-

It's ringing.

I immediately caught hold of it and received the call.

"Hello-" I spoke impulsively.

All along I wished I would hear her voice on the other end.

"Hey man- where are you?"

Disappointment filled my heart at hearing not Jisoo's but Jimin's voice.

"Oh- I'm at the dormitory. Why?" I uttered gloomily.

"Tzuyu's admitted in the hospital. I can't say much on the call but she's one of the supernaturals. I suggest you come to visit too."

I was utterly baffled to hear the information.

"W-what....that's quite unexpected.....but- I've already refused to join your team. Why should I-"

"I've also called Jisoo here."

My eyes suddenly sparkled to hear her name.

"I'll be there."

I immediately ended the call and jumped out of bed.

This was my chance to finally clear things out.


As Jungkook stormed out of the room, he instantly collided with someone.

"Oh- I'm-"

Lisa stopped speaking as she noticed Jungkook just continuing to walk away.

She stood there confused with a bouquet in her hands.

After staring back and forth at both the hospital room and Jungkook, she sighed, making a decision.

Meanwhile, Namjoon had also arrived at the hospital.

He saw Lisa hastily walking in his direction and decided to greet her.

"Hey Lisa where are you goi-"

Namjoon's words remained half finsihed as Lisa suddenly handed him the bouquet and rushed off.

"Lisa!" He yelled after her yet she didn't stop.

A confused Namjoon gave up and continued to search for the hospital room.


Taehyung had finally arrived at the hospital.

Instead of looking for Jimin & the rest, his eyes wandered in search for Jisoo.

"Please- just once..."

The Elites |Season-1|Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt