-Yoriichi x Muzan-

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Sorry for not posting for 5 days yall😭 As always, i have same excuse, i'm lazy. But school also started so i don't have a lot of time eather. Now, Enjoy♡

Nobody POV:

And there was that Someone. Standing by a tall tree, holding Muzan by his arms. Yoriichi stared with his eyes wide.

That someone was a Woman. A tall Woman, about 6 feet and 3 inches. She had dark skin color, yellow eyes with long eyelashes and long black hair. She held a Blade, same one as Yoriichi just it was yellow.

Yoriichi didn't know who this Woman was, or how strong she really was. Remembering the fact that Yoriichi could not keep up with her speed told almost all about how strong she might be.

Yoriichi opened his mouth to speak but nothing came out. Woman just stood there, gripping Muzan's arms behind his back tightly and smiling/smirking at Yoriichi.

Woman then chuckled slightly and spoke up.

???: My, sorry if i shocked you that much~

Woman chuckled. Yoriichi spoke up right after she was done talking, his voice loud and his tone mix of anger and shock.


Yoriichi yelled, not knowing what else to say. Woman slightly chuckled again and spoke up. Her tone creeply playful.

???: Oh right, i forgot to introduce myself to you. I'm Megan, but you can call me Meg!

Woman spoke. Good, Yoriichi now knew her name. Meg. Yoriichi calmed himself down a little, but he feared that Meg would do something bad to Muzan.

Muzan struggled against Meg's tight grip on him, he growled and hissed but no use, he couldn't get to scare the woman. It was all pointless, it was like the Woman felt no fear.

Yoriichi took a deep breath and then sighed, his sigh came out kinda shaky. He then spoke up.

Y: Let go of Muzan!!

Yoriichi said in demanding tone, his voice slightly loud but not loud enough to make it seem like he was yelling or screaming.

Meg slightly tilted her head and raised her eyebrow, as if challenging Yoriichi to raise his tone at her. Meg still had that smirk on her face, but that smirk told Yoriichi how annoyed his tone got her.

M: Raise your tone little more.... and i'll make sure you lose that jaw!

Meg warned. Yoriichi was little scared, but he stood his ground.

Muzan kept struggling to get himself free. Suddenly, Meg let go of Muzan and Demon King, not loosing a single second, attacked Meg.

Of course, Meg had quick reaction to that and dodged it really easly, as if she wasn't even trying.

Yoriichi took the chance, thinking that Meg probebly lowered her guard towards Yoriichi and was all focused on Muzan. Yoriichi charged at Meg, but of boy he was wrong for doing that.

Meg's guard was up towads both Yoriichi and Muzan. She dodged every attack Muzan and Yoriichi pulled together. It was all useless and stupid.

M: "Should i just kill them?!"

Meg tought as she kept dodging their attack over and over again, not a single scratch on her face/body.

Yoriichi's head was running wild with toughts.

Y: "Am i not strong enough?! What is wrong with me right now?!!!"

Yoriichi tought to himself as he kept trying to land attacks on Meg, which wasn't working.

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