-Yoriichi x Muzan-

978 12 6

Here is PT2. I'll try to make it big.♡


Nobody POV:

Muzan cheaked Yoriichi's room. He was in his bed, asleep. This was Demon King's chance to escape and not be under this dumb Demon Slayer's control. Muzan quietly got of Yoriichi's room and went to the front door. He stood behind the door, opening it slowly to see if sun would shine in. It didn't. Muzan never felt happier. He opened the door fully and looked outside. It was mostly shadows becouse Yoriichi's house was in forest. Muzan stepped outside and tried to stay in shadows the best he could.


Nobody POV:

Finally. Muzan was out of that house, far away from Yoriichi. He felt soo relieved. Demon King then decided to eat some Humans to get his energy back and use his Blood Demon Art to call for Nakime, so she would teleport him in Infinity Castle. Muzan now started to search for Humans near the lake, since most people got water from here. He waited patiently and soon enough, one Man showed up. The Man wanted to get some water. So sad that he wouldn't go back to his loving family. Muzan suddenly grabbed the Man's arm and dragged him inside the shadows. The sun hit Muzan's hand for a second, but he had to risk it. His hand burned a little  but he managed to regenerate. Man was scared out of his mind, but Muzan didn't cared. He ripped off the Man's arms off and started to eat it. Man was screaming in pain as he bled and passed out. Muzan was satisfied and his hunger was now gone.

Once Muzan was done eating the Man, he licked his fingers and chuckled. Now all Demon King needed to do was to use his Blood Demon Art to call Nakime, so he did it. Muzan managed to call for Nakime with his blood cells. It worked. Of course it would. Nakime struck her biwa and made Muzan teleport in Infinity Castle. Demon King was relieved. Now he was for sure far away from Yoriichi. For Nakime's good work, Muzan decided to give her some of his blood.

Now Muzan was in his office. He couldn't imagen how much he missed his office and his Demons. Well.... only Demon Muzan missed was Rui, his favorite lower moon Demon. Rui was a sick child before he became a Demon, and Muzan could see himself in Rui. Demon King sighed as he was back to his Demon World. (Idk what else it's called).

-To Yoriichi's house-
Yoriichi POV:

I woke up from my nap and got up. To my horror, i couldn't find that damn Demon anywhere. How did he even escaped in the sun? I followed the sent and came across a lake. There was a Dead man by that lake. Right away i knew Muzan did this. But the sent was stopping here, and what i realized was that this damn Demon was walking in shadows, and there was some bruning sents too. Seems like walking in Shadows doesn't really protect the Demon, it's still burns them. Well, i shouldn't have let my guard down like that.... hell, i'm greatful enough that this Demon didn't ate me when i was asleep.

Nobody POV:

Yoriichi sighed, knowing he has lost the trace of Demon King. He wanted to find him, and this time actually kill him becouse he broke the deal. He ran away and ate a Human. This deal was off, Yoriichi was going to kill Muzan for sure now. Yoriichi started his search, asking everyone if they saw a Man by the lake that was about 5 feet and 10 inch tall, with short black hair and wavy bangs and light pink eyes with cat-like pupils. Nobody saw Muzan, so now Yoriichi started to ask people about the dead man by the lake. Nobody saw or knew about that too. Yoriichi felt like he was getting nowhere with this. 'What could be one place that every Demon might like to go to?' Yoriichi tought to himself.

He kept thinking. One place that every Demon would like to go too, to eat Humans. Yoriichi kept thinking... untill one place poped up in his head. A place where there were a lot of Humans. City. A big city where Demons attentions might be drawn to. Yoriichi decided to go to one big city just to find Muzan, but he knew it wouldn't be easy.

'Gosh, this Demon annoyes me soo much.' Yoriichi tought to himself.


Nobody POV:

Yoriichi walked through the city, trying to look for Muzan. At the time, Muzan also came out from Infinity Castle with Rui. Demon King was showing Rui around, he held Rui in his hands and was treating him like his own child. As Muzan walked with Rui, he sinced the same sent again. The one that was like last time with Tamayo. Demon King already knew who it was and looked around, fear and nervousness could be read in his eyes.

Yoriichi was looking at Muzan from afar. He found the Demon King and was about to charge at him when he saw the tiny Demon in Muzan's hands. He wasn't a monster and didn't wanted to kill Rui, but he had to kill Muzan.

Muzan kept looking around nervously, he wanted to protect Rui and himself... but how would he be able to do that whe he couldn't even protect himself? It really got Demon King stressing. He tried to hide Rui in his hands the best way he could.

Yoriichi saw all this. He could since the stress and nervousness in Muzan, and how he was trying his best to keep tiny Demon safe no metter what. He then saw Muzan walking away, smiling and talking to Rui to calm him down. It was working, Rui was looking at Muzan and listening to him.

M: Rui, listen! Me and you are going to get home safe, okay?! Don't you worry about anything!

Muzan said to Rui. Tiny Demon slowly noded, gripping onto Muzan tightly as Demon King held him in his hands.

Yoriichi could see all this. He could hear what Muzan said. Slowly, he started to walk twords them, now he wanted to give Muzan another chance. If it wasn't for tiny Demon, Muzan already would be dead.

Muzan could feel Yoriichi getting closer. He hugged Rui tighter in his hands as he tried to think of a way to get away from Yoriichi.

Yoriichi could since all this. He had to act quickly. Yoriichi walked faster and once he was close enough, he grabbed Muzan by his shoulder. Muzan stopped walking, knowing he was dead. Rui looked up from Muzan's shoulder and stared at Yoriichi with wide curious eyes.

Demon King turned around and looked up at Yoriichi. He swallowed hard as he held Rui little more tighter. Then, the words that came out of Yoriichi's mouth calmed Muzan down.

Y: I'm not going to hurt you, Demon!

Muzan was relieved. He took a deep sigh and relaxed his body, though, his guard was still up.

M: T-.... Thank you!

This two words came out of Muzan's mouth for the first time. He never really tought he would use those two words again, but here he was.

Yoriichi smiled warmly at Muzan. Demon King was still kinda stressed and nervous, not even daring to let Rui go.

Y: Listen... i'm willing to give you another chance! If it wasn't for tiny Demon you have with you, you'd already be dead!....

After a few second pause, Yoriichi asked.

Y: Deal?

Muzan sighed, feeling like he was trapped again. He didn't wanted this kind of life. He wanted to be free and to do whatever he wanted. To raise Rui and continue his Demon life. Yet here he was, being forced to live with a Demon Slayer who'd probebly kill him whenever he wished to. Muzan looked up at Yoriichi.

M: I.... don't know....

Yoriichi didn't really liked Muzan's answer, but he could since Demon King's emotions so he understood him.

Y: Take your time!


Hope this is long enough. Part 3 will be uploaded tmr. Also, sorry if there is amy spelling mistakes♡

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