Jungkook's eyes widened with pleasant surprise as they fell upon a carefully arranged tray on the side table. His curiosity piqued, and he approached, lifting the cover to reveal a modest yet thoughtful breakfast. The tray held slices of bread, a jar of peanut butter, and a hangover drink—a simple yet considerate gesture that went beyond Jungkook's expectations.

Taehyung's unexpected care struck a chord with Jungkook. The mere fact that Taehyung took the time to prepare a breakfast tray for him, especially considering the apparent emptiness of Jungkook's kitchen, resonated deeply. A warmth spread through Jungkook's heart, appreciating the subtle but meaningful acts of kindness.

The meticulous arrangement wasn't the only thing that caught Jungkook off guard. The alarm set specifically for him demonstrated Taehyung's consideration for Jungkook's schedule, ensuring he wouldn't be late for work. It was an extra step that made Jungkook smile in embarrassment, contemplating the journey from initial teasing to the current stage where Taehyung seemed to effortlessly care for him.

As Jungkook carried the tray back to his room, he couldn't help but revel in the lingering scent of Taehyung's space. Although tempted to stay in Taehyung's bed, he opted for his own, not wanting to disrupt the order in Taehyung's room.

Reflecting on the morning's surprises, Jungkook became introspective. This vulnerability, this openness, was a side he hadn't shown to anyone before, not even his past boyfriends. Taehyung's presence seemed to be stirring something unfamiliar within him.

While Jungkook couldn't quite comprehend his new personality, he embraced the pleasantness of being true to himself. A newfound comfort in vulnerability settled within him, and he couldn't help but wish for Taehyung to be the one to navigate this unexplored aspect of himself.

- ✧  ✿  ✧ -

With an exhausted expression etched on his face, wearing the obligatory suit that projected a sense of manliness Jungkook found rather mundane, he wearily stepped into the kitchen. The day had been long, filled with the demands of office work and perhaps a few scoldings from his father. A sigh escaped him, a physical manifestation of the fatigue that clung to him.

In the kitchen, Lisa, wearing a familiar comfort, was busily filling a water bottle, indicating her readiness to retire to her room for the night. The casual camaraderie they had developed over time allowed them to exchange friendly inquiries.

"Did you have dinner?" Lisa asked, a genuine concern reflected in her eyes. The warmth of their growing friendship made such conversations commonplace.

Jungkook nodded, the acknowledgment accompanied by a fleeting glance at a package on the kitchen counter that caught his attention.

"And you?" he returned the question, fingers deftly working on loosening his tie.

Lisa hummed an affirmative response, completing the task of closing the water bottle. Jungkook's gaze lingered on the package, curiosity getting the better of him.

"What's this?" he inquired, his fingers finally freeing him from the constricting tie.

"Dinner for dad," Lisa revealed. A call from her father had prompted her to pick up a meal from a restaurant, recognising the toll his demanding day had taken.

Jungkook felt an unexpected surge of energy, his weariness momentarily forgotten. Suppressing his excitement, he questioned, "Why does your father come here so often?"

"He's been going through stressful days, and since our penthouse is conveniently close to his office, he finds solace in visiting his daughter's house. For him, it's like staying with his daughter," Lisa explained, her words infused with a sense of warmth and affection. The realisation of having the world's best father for herself painted a fond smile on her face.

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