"It's to help gain problem solving skills more than anything." She added.

"So Math is just one big problem?"

"Basically, yes." Nari nodded. "Do you need anymore help? I think your parents are on their way."

"I'm good, thank you." As Suho thanked Nari, her pager went off so she excused herself. "I'll be back to check up on you tomorrow. If you need anything, press that button and a nurse will help you."

Suho gave her a thumbs up and Nari gave him one back before leaving his room. She walked to the reception where she found nurse Cho behind the counter.

"Am I needed anywhere?" Nari asked walking towards him. "No but you have someone here for you in the waiting room. And your shift is over by the way." The man said.

"I totally forgot, thank you. I'll see you again soon." Nari slightly bowed her head. "Don't worry about it." They said their goodbyes and Nari walked to the waiting room.

"Did I keep you waiting?"

Jungkook looked up from his phone and smiled. "Not really, I just got here." He answered. "Let me go get my bag before we leave." Nari said before rushing to the locker room.

He had driven to the hospital to pick Nari up from her shift since her car was at the dealership getting serviced.

"We can go now." She appeared holding her black Prada Tote in one hand while the other held her white coat. "Do you want to grab lunch? I'm sure you're hungry." Jungkook asked as they walked out of the hospital.

"That would be so great. I tried getting food from the kitchen but the whole room reeked of coffee and I just couldn't. I ended up getting something from the vending machine."

"Have you ever even stepped inside a coffee shop?"

Nari shook her head as a no as they made their way to the sleek black AMG parked at the visitors designated parking space.

"I might get sick if I do that. It's just like vanilla, I cannot stand vanilla scented things." She answered.

"Like how I don't like lemon flavoured food?"

"Exactly like that."


"Good choice. I feel a bit underdressed for a fancy restaurant." Nari gestured to her work outfit as Jungkook parked outside of a casual restaurant in the middle of Seoul.

"I think you look okay." Jungkook said turning off the car.

"You'd think I look okay naked with socks on."

Jungkook turned slowly to look at her and the corners of his lips lifted up. "I think I'd like that." Nari side-eyed him and scoffed. "Of course you would, I should've known." She shook her head.

"Do people know you're this dirty minded? You're like a thirteen year old seeing bra straps for the first time." Nari said after they got out of the car.

"Only for you."

"Keep it in your pants."

Jungkook laughed at her words as he locked his car. Nari rolled her eyes with an amused expression when he took her hand in his.

The moment they walked into the establishment, Nari and Jungkook could feel the eyes on them. They were easily recognisable since they weren't wearing masks and Nari was still in her blue scrubs.

A waiter walked up to them holding two menus. "Welcome to Rare Relish, would you like to sit in the back or by the windows?"

"By the window is fine." Jungkook said.

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