Chapter 12

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It had been three weeks since Nari started monitoring Jihye and as time went by, it became clear that she would need a colostomy bag. Jihye had been a wonderful patient though she was a bit weary of getting one.

Nari reassured her that she'd still be able to live a normal life and that there were many adults with one. She was allowed to go back to school but only for two weeks until she had to come back for the surgery.

And during this time, the hospital agreed to give Nari the two weeks off due to her picking up extra shifts. So she planned to go to France during this time to visit her brother.

But she still had three days until she had to go so it was still like any other day at work. Nari was walking back to the reception from a patients room when she felt her phone vibrate in the pocket on her scrubs.

Her face contorted with confusion as she read the caller ID, jungkookie🤍. What did he want? He was supposed to be practicing.

"Hello?" She answered giving the receptionist a smile as she handing her the patients files. "Is this Nari?" An unfamiliar voice asked. "Yes." Nari answered with a bit of skepticism.

"This is Namjoon," The man now known as Namjoon said. "Jungkook sprained his ankle and our usual doctor isn't in town. He asked for you." Namjoon said.

"Oh my god, is he alright?" Nari asked as a worried tone replaced her weariness. "Considering that he's doubled down in pain, I'd say he's doing pretty good." Namjoon joked.

Nari huffed out a laugh as she made her way to the break room where she knew she'd find Dr. Park. "I'll be there soon just try to find him some ice and put it on the affected area. Give me 15 minutes."

"Thank you Nari." Namjoon thanked. After hanging up, Nari got permission from her attending to start her lunch a bit early before she quickly drove to Hybe where she found Namjoon waiting for her by the entrance.

"Hey." She greeted with a smile. Nari was still in her scrubs and coat while holding a kit and her phone. "Nari, nice to meet you. Although I do wish it was under better circumstances." Namjoon smiled leading her into the building.

Since she didn't work anymore, she didn't have access to the building anymore so Namjoon had to wait for her. "Me too," Nari smiled greeting everyone she knew with a wave. "It's nice to meet you too."

"I hope we didn't disturb you." Namjoon said as they got into the elevator. "It's fine, I was about to take my break anyway." Nari reassured him.

As soon Namjoon opened the door to the practice room, worry filled Nari. Jungkook was sitting on the seat at the back of the room clutching a pack of ice to his ankle. The rest of Bangtan were huddled on the floor next to him.

"Guys, this is Nari." Namjoon introduced her. "We know," Jin grinned. "Jungkook doesn't actually shut up about you."

Nari laughed and covered her face with her hand to cover the blush appearing on her cheeks. "Hyung stop, Nari please help." Jungkook whined. "Alright, you big baby. How long have you been icing your ankle." Nari asked stopping by the couch to sit next to him.

Jungkook put his leg on her thigh before answering, "15 Minutes." Nari nodded before feeling around his ankle. The members watched as she massaged his ankle before Jungkook hissed when she reached a specific spot.

"It's not a tear, just a sprain so you need to rest for about a week to three weeks. I trust you guys to monitor him," She looked up at the members. "I will be in France so I can't."

"We will, thank you." Jimin nodded. "You going to wear a brace, okay?" Nari looked at Jungkook. He smiled at her and nodded. Nari opened her kit and took out one before making him wear it.

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