Public Safety

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Winter climbed stiffly out of the icy bathtub, groaning with pain. She wasn't as injured as normal, but as usual, her ribs seem to bear the brunt of the abuse. After wrapping an ace bandage around her abdomen, she dressed and slowly walked to the coffee shop where Karina worked.

When she came through the door Karina winked at her, and Winter blushed as she always did, despite how long they had been together. She took a seat in the corner and waited for Karina. After a few minutes, her wife sat down next to her and asked her what she wanted.

"A bottled water would be great," Winter said.

Karina laughed. "Baby, no one comes to a coffee shop and orders water. Do you want me to pick something for you?"

"That would be great. Something with whipped cream and lots of sugar, so I can't taste the coffee. I hate that stuff!"

Karina kissed her on the cheek. "I'll make something especially for you."

She came back a few minutes later and sat a giant glass in front of Winter. It was exactly what Winter wanted. 80% whipped cream, 19.99% sugar, and 0.01% coffee.

"It's decaf, too," Karina smiled.

"Yeah... for me that's probably the best."

At 9pm Karina's shift ended. Winter waved goodbye to her coworkers and marveled at how she actually had people to wave at. Acquaintances. Karina had told her how much they liked her, despite how introverted she was. She had started to build a good life, a healing life, with Karina, who was an infinite river of love, patience, and kindness.

"If it's ok, let's go home," Karina said. "I'm beat."

"Too beat to...?"

Karina smiled wearily. "Yes, my horny wife, for once keep your hands to yourself. And remember that out there, you are a super spy, but at home you're my wife who still has to vacuum the floor!"

. . . . .

The walk home took about half an hour. They cut down a narrow side street to see if it would save them some time. As usual, Karina teased Winter nonstop, and Winter blushed and enjoyed it. Being teased was her love language.

Halfway down the block was an old apartment building. As they got near the door, a thin, pale, agitated man jumped out, brandishing a gun. Winter had seen people like him on the streets of Seoul years ago. An addict.

Winter quickly whispered to Karina "Stand behind me and do not move or speak."

"Gimme your purse!" he barked at Karina as she moved behind Winter.

The man was filthy and sweating profusely. His hair hadn't been washed for a long time. Homeless addicts broke her heart. "There but for the grace of god goes I..." she thought.

"Look," Winter said. "We'll give you all the money we have. We want to help you get better. We'll pay for you to go to rehab if you'd like. Just lower the gun and don't make a mistake that will ruin the rest of your life."

"I don't care. Give me the f*g purse. I'll kill you both."

"Please," Winter begged. "Just walk away. We'll give you everything we have."

"Why not kill you, get your ID, and go rob your house, too? That sounds like a plan."

He pulled the hammer on the gun back, which made a click sound that Winter knew well. Karina heard the sound and screamed. Winter lunged at him and knocked the gun free and it clattered across the sidewalk but didn't fire. Before he knew what happened he was on his back. Winter straddled his chest and began beating him.

"Don't you EVER in your LIFE threaten her! For the rest of time you're going to look in the mirror and remember this night!"

"Winter! Stop! It's over! Stop hitting him!" She grabbed Winter's arm and pulled her away. She called 911 and she and Winter ran back home.

Winter flopped on the couch, still on edge and angry at herself as if the mugging were her fault. Karina sat down next to her, holding a damp washcloth for Winter to wipe the blood off of her hands.

"Winter, I'm not going to lie, seeing you in... in work mode was a little scary."

"It scares me sometimes, too. But I have to be like this or I'll get eaten alive on my missions. Some parts of the world are ugly, very ugly. To work in them requires me to be hideous. I don't want to kill anyone, sweetheart. But I found a way to use who I am for the greater good, at least I think it is." Winter stroked Karina's hand. "No matter what, it isn't pretty to see. When I'm done, and you, Well, and I can be a family I'll leave this all behind for good."

"Let's not forget an important point," Karina said.


"You protected me, my love. You put yourself between me and a gun. My beautiful, wonderful wife was ready to sacrifice her life for me. No one has ever loved me like that. And I'll do the same if you need it."

"Your love is between me and the world, and I wouldn't be here without you."

Karina laughed. "Now that the emotional stuff is out of the way, I gotta say, damn, girl, that was B.A.D.A.S.S. Jeez you are a deadly weapon, and I get to have you attack anyone I want. Drunk with power!"

Winter smiled. "You got it. I need to get my mind off this. I was thinking that we could play some video games and then watch a Star Trek movie."

"What game?"

"I was thinking Call of Duty."

"Every time you play that, you end up getting stuck and then you're grumpy all day."

"No grumpiness, guaranteed!"

"How?" Karina asked.

"I'm on the next level."

Arkangel || A Winter / Karina / WinRina AdventureWhere stories live. Discover now