Mission I: Sidewinder

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"You've graduated, Arkangel. Congratulations. But now the really tough part starts. You're a field operator now. You speak six languages fluently and with no accent, you made our psych and physical tests look like they were written in crayon, and you've shown the highest aptitude for hand-to-hand combat that we've ever seen. You're also an expert in explosives and improvised explosive devices, and have the conditioning of a world-class athlete. We've never sent someone out on their own as qualified as you are."

"I think I'm ready," Winter said nervously.

"BS. No one goes out on their first mission completely ready, but you're as close as you can get. It's dangerous, but you still have to learn on the job."

"So what's the mission?"

"We're starting you with one that's a little more... straightforward. A warlord in Somalia is seizing grain shipments from the UN meant to help alleviate the famine that's slowly disintegrating the entire society, let alone the country. We have intel that the warlord, Adan, is having something like a company retreat in Mogadishu in three days. The US Army wants to drop the hammer on the whole thing, with Deltas and Rangers running point. Our concern is that Adan has a group of lieutenants waiting to take his place when he dies."

Parker continued. "We think that you can slip into to the city and crash this meeting. You'll get a chance to use one of your strongest skills, which is to kill Adan... and then kill all the lieutenants. You're job is to send a big, big message to these thugs. Once you're done, you'll rendezvous in the desert and a helicopter team will pick you up."

"How am I getting in?" Winter asked.

"You'll fly commercial from New York to Bonn, and then we have a cargo plane disguised as a UN transport. You'll take that into Somalia. First, stop by the armory building and gear up."

"Got it. By the way, thanks for letting me operate out of New York, Parker."

"See? I try my best to take care of my people. Now go say bye to her. You're going to be gone a week."

. . . . .

Karina was waiting for her at their bench in Central Park. Winter wanted to kiss her so bad but she wasn't sure how Karina felt after Winter blurted out that she loved her.

When she approached, Karina stood up and gave her a tight hug. "It's so good to be with you," she whispered. As Winter took a deep breath and inhaled Karina's scent, she realized that Karina had put flowers in her hair. Winter took a step back, holding Karina by the shoulders, and took in her beauty. Karina was so beautiful that Winter somehow felt helpless.

"Winter, I love your hair. It matches your eyes so well. You're so pretty, too. And kind. What an amazing person to be, Winter."

"Karina... I... I just don't know what to say. I've never heard words like what you said, let alone toward me." She paused and took Karina's hand. "I'm sorry that I blurted out that I love you. I never want to make you feel awkward. I just don't always know the right way to handle things."

"It's ok," Karina said. "I'm so moved that you wanted to say that. It's hard to know the right time. Sometimes it's right in front of you."

For a moment they were silent. "Karina, just so you know, I have to go away on business for a week. The cool part is that I'm going to Africa, but the downside is that I won't have any phone or internet service for while."

"So you'll be completely out of touch, out of reach to me for a week?"

"Unfortunately, yes."

"Then, Winter," Karina whispered. "I need to tell you something for the journey. I want to tell you that I love you. I love you! Can we... can we be girlfriends?"

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