Mission V: Cosa Nostra

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Witnesses describe brutal executions at traffic light.

. . . . .

"How's your head?" Parker asked.

"The headache only lasted for four days. So they had a dozen weapons pointed at me and still felt like they needed to crack my skull with a rifle butt?"

"In fairness, you drove a van into the lobby of an embassy. What if you had explosives? They were on edge. Hitting people with rifles is in the job description for Marines."

"How about the kids?" Winter asked.

"They've all been reunited with their families. Well done. I think the Russians know it was us, but they got the message that we can strike anywhere, anytime, and that they need to take care of their business themselves. Also, I forgot to say congratulations on the wedding. I'm very happy for you. Now that you're married, you can talk about your work with her, if you want."

"I'll have to think about it," Winter said. "Sometimes I forget that we operate in this strange secret world that is so ugly and so foreign to civilians. I don't want her to be paralyzed with fear when I'm working."

"That's part of the job sometimes."

"No. Not with Karina. She didn't ask for this. She doesn't love me because of what I do. She loves me despite knowing who I am and what I do. If I feel like she's hurting I'm done here."

"I'm sorry to play this card, but remember, you'll never learn Well's fate."

"You've been good to me, Parker. But you guys are bastards for doing this to me. Isn't it possible that finding him could make me a better agent?"

"It doesn't, Arkangel. I'm sorry. To be blunt, we need you to be like you are. Withholding information on Well wasn't my idea, but I see the value in it. What we do is deadly serious. You put the 'deadly' in that expression. Lives are in the balance. Besides, you're halfway done here. Then you two can go wherever you want. You have $400,000 now, and more is coming. But let's not get ahead of ourselves."

He continued. "Sicily is where you're going next. The mission code name is Cosa Nostra."

"What's that?"

"It's the name that the mafia uses to describe themselves. Roughly speaking, it means "our thing," or a secret organization. Sicily is where the mob originated, and to this day, taking them down is a massive challenge. Their fingers are everywhere in the government. Aside from bribes, they also specialize in kidnapping and murder. Over the last 30 years, they've transitioned from small-time crime into drug dealing and trafficking. They specialize in heroin. Nasty, awful stuff. "

Winter thought back to her youth. "I've seen the wreckage of heroin. It's the worst thing in the world."

"We've done a good job at seizing their boats and their product. So well that they're planning a massive attack on the US consulate. The Italian government wants nothing to do with the mob on Sicily, so it's landed in our hands. Your job, to put it simply, is to find anyone involved and neutralize them. You'll be taken close to the shore in a yacht the FBI seized in a tax-evasion case. Sicily is a popular destination for rich yacht-types. Navy Seals will take you to shore. A Ducati sprint motorcycle will be parked nearby. You'll take it to Messina, where they are based."

"Do the Italians know I'll be in country?"

"Absolutely not. Like Russia, once you're done, they'll take credit. That's fine, as long as you kill them. We should change your code name to 'The Message.' Some people are good at sending flowers. You're good at sending the bad guys a message. You're the best in the world at it. And it's easier for someone to get our nuclear launch codes than it is to find out who you are."

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